Anal sex? adults only?!

Question: i had anal sex for the first time the other night and the last 2 bowel movements i had there was bleeding. im fine now though. should i be conserned? and is it safe to do it again?

Answers: i had anal sex for the first time the other night and the last 2 bowel movements i had there was bleeding. im fine now though. should i be conserned? and is it safe to do it again?

A SMALL amount of blood can be present shortly after anal sex with no cause for concern. However, blood present in the stool is something that you should keep a CLOSE eye on. It can indicate a variety of serious illnesses that require treatment. So, if it continues for longer than a day, or occurs in copious amounts, or happens often, get it checked out by a doctor as soon as possible!

Lubrication and relaxation are KEY to having enjoyable anal sex. "Too much almost enough" is the motto I use when talking about anal or vaginal sex. Lubrication helps prevent the likelihood of both vaginal and anal abrasions. These abrasions can put you at increased risk for HIV or other STIs should you be exposed.

Condoms are a MUST for anal sex (and vaginal sex). As far as enemas go, they can actually increase the risk of HIV infection in the anus/rectum should you be exposed (and same goes for douching in the vagina). It is important if you do use an enema that you also USE A CONDOM.

AND, contrary to Tori's advise above (She is normally right on the money) do not use baby oil. As she rightly stated, the baby oil can be present in the anal canal for a long period of time and ANY oil-based lubes would breakdown the condom (latex and oil don't mix). The only caveat would be for people in long term monogomous relationships who are not at risk for HIV/STIs....however GI parasites can be transmitted in this manner, so condoms are always advisable.

There is a study that is underway looking at the various lubricants and their effects on anal mucosa. Unfortunately, we don't have much research on lubricants used for anal sex. It is possible that some lubricants should not be used for anal sex. We won't know until more research is of the problems of a society that is a)sex negative and b)anal-phobic is that anything to do with the anus/rectum is stigmatized and research is slow soon as the report is ready I will let people know via Y!A.

Tori is right on the post-orgasm anal has to do with relaxation. If the person receiving is not relaxed and tense, anal sex can be quite painful and the risk of injury is increased.

I would suggest picking up the book " Anal Pleasure and Health: A Guide for Men and Women". It's a very interesting read!

It sounds as though you tore something, which is the reason for the blood. You probably weren't using enough lubrication, and hopefully your partner used a condom. There's always a risk in getting a tear in the rectal/anal area because it can easily become contaminated with stool. The bacteria can enter the opened wound/sore and it can become infected or enter your blood stream. Is it safe? Consider the pros and cons and make that decision yourself.

Oh my god... Butt sex is wrong. thats why you are bleeding. because it wrong in every way possible. how about you dont get fudge packed again. that would be smart.

It may just be torn; Be sure to use PLENTY of lube; and it will go a lot smoother; I also suggest laying completely on your stomach and that position is less likely to rip or tear and maybe more comfortable for you.

Use more lube next time.

It's easier if you have an orgasm'll be more I usually have oral or vaginal sex - then anal....but NEVER go back to vaginal - that'll cause a bacterial infection

It's also cleaner & easier if you use an enima beforehand
(if you can predict when he's gonna go there?) to clean the anal area out a bit...and that'll also loosen it up a little bit (use baby oil & lube on the enema...and some of it'll still be there later.)
and above all RELAX

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