Help! emergency! stomach pain issues.?!

Question: my best friend has horrible stomach pains when she eats
and she pretty much can't eat
she has lost alot of weight
because she can't eat
and i was wondering if anyone knew what it could be
or anything that helps stomach pains

Answers: my best friend has horrible stomach pains when she eats
and she pretty much can't eat
she has lost alot of weight
because she can't eat
and i was wondering if anyone knew what it could be
or anything that helps stomach pains

To eliminate the horrible tummy gripes now get her to eat something that is alkaline and will restore the ph level of your body ie ~ green apples (eat 2 if she has to) and leafy and green vegies are a good choice.

Is is at all possible that she is lactose intolerant?? Lactose intolerance will cause cramping, gassiness, bloating, wet f*arting (sorry no other way to say it) indigestion, acid reflux .........

If your friend wants to be symptom free ~ and lactose intolerance is the problem ~ then she really should consider eliminating all milk and dairy products ~ so that includes all dairy such as cheese, yoghurt, milk, icecream, chocolate, some candies (usually the cheap and nasty ones) and cream ~ and lactose containing packaged foods!! it sounds really awful doesn't it ??!! i know, it's alright though, i'm lactose intolerant too and once you get used to the idea you'll be just fine i promise you. a lot finer than probably you've ever been actually.

Please ensure that you take a calcium supplement on a daily basis or eat more foods rich in calcium ie ~ tofu, sardines, salmon, peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds (with the nuts andseeds grinding them before eating them and sprinkling them on your salads, stir frys or cereal is far easier to digest) dried beans, kale, broccoli, leafy greens?

Along with eating more foods rich in calcium you need to ensure that you are getting Vitamin D on a daily basis as Calcium needs sufficient vitamin D supplies in the body to be effectively assimilated soooooooo either get at least 10 - 15 minutes of sunshine on a daily basis or eat more foods rich in Vitamin ie ~ fish liver oils, sardines, herring, salmon and tuna..

Eat more foods rich in magnesium too as calcium and magnesium work togther for heart health. ie ~ leafy and green vegies, wholegrain breadsand cereals, ground nuts and seeds and cold water fishes such as tuna, sardines, whiting and salmon. magnesium is known as the antistress mineral ~ that's usefull to know also, isn't it ~ and will aide in any constipation issues you have .... magnesium rich foods will also encourage the production of hydrochloric acid in your tummy and therefore aide in the digestive process.

By ensuring that you have enough calcium, vitamin D and magnesium in your diet you will be assured of effective calcium assimilation and will avoid issues with insomnia, indigestion, bloating, gassiness, belching, wet f*arting, achy and sore bones, irritability and moodiness, maintain strong bones and healthy teeth and sufficient calcium will also help metabolize your body's iron supplies ............. :0)

If it's not lactose intolerance it could be the fact that she is constipated and simply needs to add more magnesium rich foods to her diet ie ~ leafy and green vegies, cold water fishes, nuts and seeds, wholegrains and cereals and also more foods rich in Vitamin C as C is a natural laxative ie ~ citrus fruits such as lemons, limes and oranges, tomatoes and potatoes, leafy and green vegies and red and green peppers.

Drink more fresh filtered water too as the happiest and healtiest body will always be the most hydrated one.

Take a multi B complex supplement to assist your body in having a healthy digestive system and also to bolster your immunity and neural functioning.

Good luck sweetie, your friend can do it i know she can?and ya know what?? If it is lactose intolerance she will be totally amazed at the difference in her energy and vitality once she's weaned herself off all the creamy milk and lactose containing foods ~ she'll be shocked by how much more vitality and energy she has to spare !!


the flu can cause stomach pain. Also gallbladder disease. Tell her to see her physician

This sounds serious. Only a physician can tell. Seek medical attention asap.

Your friend needs to see a Doctor. Encourage the friend to do this ASAP!!!!

Could be gallbladder or ulcer. She could take some ginger tea to see if it clears up or if she has been on tums and that sort of things she might not be producing enough acid to digest her food properly so she would need some food enzymes.

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