Are antibiotics a 'generic' product in the sense that any antibiotic wil!

Question: infection in the body?

Answers: infection in the body?

No. An Antibiotic is- literally - something that is 'anti - life'. A substance which is categorized as an antibiotic kills living pathogens - bacteria. The good part is an antibiotic will kill a certain type or number of germs (pathogens). The bad part is it may also kill off necessary bacteria in your body (which is why after a long course of antibiotics many people -especially women- get yeast infections of the mouth, GI tract and/or vagina.)

No antibiotic kills all germs. Some kill more than others and are considered 'broad-spectrum'. Some only kill a few.
Some are incredibly strong - others are not as powerful.

There are NO antibiotics sold over the counter legally. There are NO Tier1 or Tier 2. All antibiotics are prescriptions. Generic are those which are no longer sold only by name (proprietary) brand. (i.e. Tetracycline is also known as Sumycin - one is generic name, the other is proprietary - they are both the same drug) Generics are cheaper because you aren't paying for advertising or expensive drug reps selling the docs on their drugs.

Due to the fact antibiotics have been handed out like candy for more than 40 years the pathogens (germs) have become very resistant, leading to infections by MRSA (methcillin-resistant staph aureus) or VRSA (vancomycin resistant staph aureus) etc. These are very dangerous infections, often leading to death.

The WORST thing a person can do is to take someone else's drugs. First, you may be taking the wrong antibiotic and it won't help, but it WILL cause bacteria in your own system that you need to go haywire.

Second, you may get an allergic reaction to that drug, or, you may set up a future allergic reaction [you can take a drug once and get allergic, or twice, or even take a drug for years and one day 'boom!' you have an allergic reaction..

Lastly, because many people only take their antibiotics until they feel better and 'save' some for the next time, the bacteria in their system that survived the infection, but weren't strong enough to cause symptoms rebound at a later date. Then you have a really serious problem. If you have caused the bacteria to be resistant now you don't have a drug to treat you. Other drugs may or may not work. Example: if you take Ciprofloxin (Cipro) and your UTI becomes resistant, you can't take Tetracycline or adriamycin for the UTI because they don't work on urinary infections.

I hope this clarifies things for you.

no. and you are missing the real sense of the word generic in relation to drugs as well.
That is why neosporin is a triple antibiotic, so it can go after multiple things well.
antibiotics have separate classes, each able to go after bugs in different ways.

david b is right.. there are different types of anti biotics
but he did'nt answer your question which is YES
there arn't any difference theya ll do the same thing
generic or brand...
usually tier 1 brand are what you can purchase
and tier 2 are the one doctors prescribe too you

No. A good doctor will test a specimen that has your infection and the lab will put the most likely antibiotics on the growth in little dots. This will show which antibiotic inhibits the growth of the infection that you have, and the doctor will order the best antibiotic based on that. Of course, lots of doctors just give out prescriptions for broad spectrum antibiotics that kill several kinds of germs, as this saves a lot of time and expense, too. But with a persistent infection, he will do the test.

no mopst but not all you need to check all you can about symptoms and suggested treatment

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