Ball like bump on labia!?!

Question: at first I freaked out and thought herpes, even though I have only had one sexual partner, but i heard herpes can transfer from mouth to vagina some way or another. BUt looking at pictures it is not like that at is a a raised bump, ball like, kinda tender...really freaked out have no idea what this could be! help anyone...(oh size is like a pretty small grape)

Answers: at first I freaked out and thought herpes, even though I have only had one sexual partner, but i heard herpes can transfer from mouth to vagina some way or another. BUt looking at pictures it is not like that at is a a raised bump, ball like, kinda tender...really freaked out have no idea what this could be! help anyone...(oh size is like a pretty small grape)

It is probably an ingrown hair...unless you are talking about farther down toward the inside of the leg...there is a gland on each side that can get infected.

It is in the hairline, put Neoporine on it to draw the infection out.
If it is farther down where the glands are go to the Dr. for meds.

may be a clogged pore this happened to be once, take a few baths in very warm water put hot compresses it will go away.

do you shave down there? it could be a ingrown hair. i got one of those down there before. i just stopped shaving for while and put ointment on it and it went away in time.

now when i do shave i go slower. it seems to help. and make sure you ave really good shaving cream (aveeno ) and a really good razor, that makes all the difference.

I believe that you may have a condition called Hidradenitis Supprativa. It is re-occurring boils/ cysts/abscesses that are often misdiagnosed as ingrown hairs, herpes, being unclean or over weight and folliculitis. This is a newly diagnosed skin condition , but there is a lot of info out there if you are looking.

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