How dangerous is HPV for a Man?!

Question: HPV has been proven to be the cause of cancer of the penis, but still extremely rare. It can be "washed" off of the glans (head) of the penis within 45 days from infection, by frequent rinsing with iodine solutions. This fact makes HPV less threatening for men than for women, but makes no difference when infectious potential of this virus is concerned. Men who are infected, are contagious for as long as it persists within their urethral opening or the folds of skin of the glans of the penis. They transmit it to their female or male partners through unprotected sexual intercourse (of any kind) and can be REinfected by the same partner they originally infected. And since this can happen over and over again, it can cause an impairment within the immune system, making the carrier of HPV more susceptible to developing penile cancer.

So, bear in mind:
There are more than a 130 types of HPV (only 4-5 of them are considered low-risk - not very probable to cause precancerosis).
Not being diagnosed with HPV infection doesn't mean you haven't been infected (might be the window period of unexpressed cell invasion).
Having one HPV type doesn't exclude coexistence of another or several others (which makes it even more complicated to detect and erradicate).

Answers: HPV has been proven to be the cause of cancer of the penis, but still extremely rare. It can be "washed" off of the glans (head) of the penis within 45 days from infection, by frequent rinsing with iodine solutions. This fact makes HPV less threatening for men than for women, but makes no difference when infectious potential of this virus is concerned. Men who are infected, are contagious for as long as it persists within their urethral opening or the folds of skin of the glans of the penis. They transmit it to their female or male partners through unprotected sexual intercourse (of any kind) and can be REinfected by the same partner they originally infected. And since this can happen over and over again, it can cause an impairment within the immune system, making the carrier of HPV more susceptible to developing penile cancer.

So, bear in mind:
There are more than a 130 types of HPV (only 4-5 of them are considered low-risk - not very probable to cause precancerosis).
Not being diagnosed with HPV infection doesn't mean you haven't been infected (might be the window period of unexpressed cell invasion).
Having one HPV type doesn't exclude coexistence of another or several others (which makes it even more complicated to detect and erradicate).

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