Is Plaque and Parasite build-up in our stomachs really true?!

Question: Except for the fact that most people have some type of parasite....the majority of the previous answer is complete idiocy. The majority of the parasites that Americans have are either in levels too low to be a problem or they are commensal parasites. Commensals cause no damage to the person infected. It would be no different than the bacteria that inhabit our gut.

Dr. Bernard Jenson, the father of iridology in the U.S. and foremost expert in colon research and therapy said;
"The average person over 40 has anywhere between 5 to 25 pounds of build-up in their colon. Parasites of all sizes thrive in this indisposed residue of fecal matter, slowly but surely toxifying the whole body."

This is bunk. By the way, Iridology is the study of determining disease by looking at the iris of the eye. This is in itself a meaningless "science". That really does make that person an expert on parasites and intestinal disorder. It is impossible to have build-up of undigested food material in your intestines. There is no valid scientific study to show anything of that nature.

Dr. Hulda Clark, in her book, The Cure For All Cancers and Cure For All Diseases claims that most cancers are caused by the "fasciolopsis buski" parasite and that every one of her cancer patients had human parasites.

This is also unverifiable. This another example of Junk Science that is meant to scare people into believing stupidity and buying a book.

I have performed many parasitic exams over the past 30 years and there is no way that most people have a parasite.

Answers: Except for the fact that most people have some type of parasite....the majority of the previous answer is complete idiocy. The majority of the parasites that Americans have are either in levels too low to be a problem or they are commensal parasites. Commensals cause no damage to the person infected. It would be no different than the bacteria that inhabit our gut.

Dr. Bernard Jenson, the father of iridology in the U.S. and foremost expert in colon research and therapy said;
"The average person over 40 has anywhere between 5 to 25 pounds of build-up in their colon. Parasites of all sizes thrive in this indisposed residue of fecal matter, slowly but surely toxifying the whole body."

This is bunk. By the way, Iridology is the study of determining disease by looking at the iris of the eye. This is in itself a meaningless "science". That really does make that person an expert on parasites and intestinal disorder. It is impossible to have build-up of undigested food material in your intestines. There is no valid scientific study to show anything of that nature.

Dr. Hulda Clark, in her book, The Cure For All Cancers and Cure For All Diseases claims that most cancers are caused by the "fasciolopsis buski" parasite and that every one of her cancer patients had human parasites.

This is also unverifiable. This another example of Junk Science that is meant to scare people into believing stupidity and buying a book.

I have performed many parasitic exams over the past 30 years and there is no way that most people have a parasite.


check this out.

"In recent medical studies it has been estimated that 85% of the North American adult population has at least one form of parasite living in their bodies. Some authorities feel this figure may be as high as 95%."

Here is a quote from Dr. Ross Anderson, one of Americas foremost parasitic infection specialists.
" I believe the single most undiagnosed health challenge in the history of the human race is parasites. I realize that is a pretty brave statement, but it is based on my 20 years of experience with more than 20,000 patients."

Dr. Peter Wina, Chief of Patho-Biology in the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research said;
"We have a tremendous parasite problem right here in the U.S., it is just not being addressed."

Dr. Bernard Jenson, the father of iridology in the U.S. and foremost expert in colon research and therapy said;
"The average person over 40 has anywhere between 5 to 25 pounds of build-up in their colon. Parasites of all sizes thrive in this indisposed residue of fecal matter, slowly but surely toxifying the whole body."

Dr. Frank Nova, Chief of the Laboratory for Parasitic Diseases of the National Institute of Health;
"In terms of numbers, there are more parasitic infections acquired in the US than in Africa."

Dr. Hulda Clark, in her book, The Cure For All Cancers and Cure For All Diseases claims that most cancers are caused by the "fasciolopsis buski" parasite and that every one of her cancer patients had human parasites.

How can we possibly get infected in the pretty sterile United States?

Well here are a few ways, increased international travel, contaminated water supplies, your pets or other peoples pets, food supplies, such as pork, processed meats, uncooked meats, chicken, lamb, and even fish may contain human parasites to name a few.

Humans can play host for over 100 different species of human parasites that can infect not just the digestive system, but the lungs, liver, muscles and joints, the throat, brain, blood, skin, and even the eyes. They can range from microscopic to several feet long like the tapeworm.

Common Symptoms can include:

Constipation: due to the large size of some worms actually blocking the intestine.

Diarrhea: certain parasites release a hormone like substance that is in human tissues that can lead to a watery stool.

Gas and Bloating: Some human parasites live in the small intestine and the inflamation they produce can cause gas and bloating.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Human parasites can irritate, inflame and coat the lining of the intestines causing symptoms of this disease.

Joint and Muscle Aches and Pains: Parasites can migrate and become enclosed in a sac in joint fluids, worms can do this in muscles.

Anemia: Some intestinal worms attach themselves to the mucousol lining of the intestines and then feed on the vital nutrients of the host.

Allergies: Parasites can penetrate the intestinal lining just as candida allowing large undigested food particles into the body creating the immune system response that is often assumed to be an allergy.

Skin Conditions: Intestinal worms can cause hives, rashes, weeping eczema, and a whole host of other skin conditions.

Nervousness: Human parasites create wastes and toxic substances that can be severe irritants to the central nervous system. Restlessness or anxiety are often the symptoms associated with these parasitic wastes.

Sleep Disturbances: Multiple awakenings at night between the hours of 2 and 3 AM are possibly caused by the liver attempts to flush toxic wastes out of the body.

Tooth Grinding and Clenching: This has been observed in patients with known cases of human parasitic infestations.

Chronic Fatigue: CFS symptoms can include tiredness, flu like complaints, apathy, impaired concentration, depression, and memory problems. This is because the human parasites are simply eating your food and nutrients.

Immune System Dysfunctions: Human parasites depress the immune system much as candida does by the continued stimulation of the immune system which over time exhausts your defense system.

Excess Weight, Acne, Cancer and Others: These can be telltale signs of parasitic invasion including, excessive hunger, asthma, bad taste in the mouth and bad breath, diabetes, epilepsy, migraines, and even heart disease and cancer.

Most of these diseases and symptoms can also be associated with candida and yeast infection, and are often times misdiagnosed as candida.

Makes you wonder doesn't it? Especially since candida is almost always associated with human parasites. Now did the parasites cause the weakening of the immune system to allow the yeast to overgrow in some cases?

The majority of human parasites are found in the colon .

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