Are cold sores a herpes virus?!

Question: My friend told me today that cold sores are a herpes virus but I told her that's weird because whenever i have a stomach flu I get a cold sore, it's my way of showing my stomach is upset. She's like no its a herpes virus. I told her I've never had sex, or performed oral sex, and I would get cold sores before I ever had my first kiss...So is it a form of herpes or not? cuz thats gross lol

Answers: My friend told me today that cold sores are a herpes virus but I told her that's weird because whenever i have a stomach flu I get a cold sore, it's my way of showing my stomach is upset. She's like no its a herpes virus. I told her I've never had sex, or performed oral sex, and I would get cold sores before I ever had my first kiss...So is it a form of herpes or not? cuz thats gross lol

Yes, cold sores are normally caused by the herpes virus hsv-1.

All a cold sore is is an outbreak of herpes.

Just like the names we give them indicates, 'cold sores' and 'fever blisters' often occur when you have a fever or are unwell, which is why you get one when you have stomach flu. Our immune systems keep the herpes virus under control most of the time, but never manage to get rid of it completely. When your immune system is lowered by fighting another infection or when you are run down, it gives the herpes virus a chance to surface and cause a cold sore.

You are not alone, 60% of teenagers and 80% of all adults have oral herpes like you. It isn't normally caught through any sexual activity - most people catch it when they are just babies or small children, when an affectionate and well-meaning adult who has the infection on their mouth gives them a kiss. You can also catch it it play from other chidren at school if they were to kiss you.

All of those people who DO get cold sores can't catch it from you, because they already have it. So 60% of people your own age can't.

The other 40% could catch oral herpes if you kiss them, it is much, much more likely when you have a cold sore so you should NEVER kiss anyone from the first warning tingle that tells you one is coming to at least five days after the cold sore has completely healed - this is when you are most infectious. There is still a small risk of passing it when you have no cold sore but it is small, and most people aren't bothered at all.

The really important thing though is to be careful if you ever give oral sex.

If your partner gets cold sores like you, they should be fine, because having the same herpes virus as you orally prevents them from getting your virus genitally. Those people who DON'T have hsv-1 on their mouths already though can easily catch it genitally if you give them oral sex, and they would then have genital herpes which is lot tougher to deal with, because while the symptoms are identical to those you get on your mouth, people attach a stigma to genital herpes.

People with cold sores giving their partners genital herpes through giving them oral sex is actually pretty common, in fact half of all genital herpes infections are now caused by hsv-1 the 'oral herpes' virus. I caught genital herpes this way - my boyfriend had a history of cold sores, and the same thing happened to my sister with her boyfriend. Again, you reduce the risk hugely if you avoid any time you have a tingle until a few days after the sore has healed, but there is still a small risk when you are 'in between' cold sores. My boyfriend didn't have one when I caught it.

yep-its a herpes virus

Yes, Herpes Simplex 1.

yes,cold sores are a form of herpes, but its not uncommen at all most people have a form of herpes and herpes can be spread from sneezing! there are other forms that an be more serious but you dont have to worry about a cold sore........

Yes it is part of the herpes family. but no need to worry one is oral which is what you have, studies have showen over 90% of the wrolds population has it and the other is genital which shows up down south which is less common but its out there. Yours is probably genetic from one or both of your parents. Just don't kiss anyone while you are having an outbreak on their mouth or anywhere else for that matter bc it is highly tranmittable. But oral and genital are different so don't freak out, alot of people have them.

It is a form of herpes but not the STD. It's normally hereditary.

unfortunately yes

yep,i get them when i have a fever. just don't perform ANY oral sex or recieve any from someone who has a cold sore. i will turn into the STD. after it's completely gone you're fine

yes they are

The way I'd heard it from a doctor I'd worked with was that yes it is a form of herpes (herpes simplex 1) also called "shingles" in which shows up usually in the extremeties and disappears within a week or less with medication. It often appears when you are stressed be it physically or mentally hence the cold sores when you are sick, your body is stressed. It's really nothing to worry about aside from it being embarassing just so long as you don't kiss anyone while you have an outbreak.

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