Can food allergies kill?!

Question: Has anybody had any close calls?

Answers: Has anybody had any close calls?

Yes they can kill.
I'm allergic to all nuts and all seeds.
When I was 8 years old my mum and grandma were at the mall in a store with nuts everywhere. My mum told me not to touch, but without listening to her I picked up a nut and ate it.
My tongue began to itch about a minute later, and my throat began to close over. I got hives all over my body, and everywhere... and I mean EVERYWHERE itched.
My throat nearly closed over shut, and this is when I got rushed to the emergency room. My doctor told my mum if I would've come a minute later, I would've been dead due to my throat closing.
My doctor gave me Tylenol, and I got a shot. The reaction went away.
Since that day I've only had 2 near death experiences worse than that day. And one of them was actually caused by a bully at my school, forcing a peanut into my mouth.
I now have an epipen, a thick pen like needle that I need to stab myself in the leg with if I encounter nuts or seeds.

yes ppl allergic to peanuts or strawberries can easily have their throats swell up and not be able to breathe.

Yeah, im allergic to all nuts and any dairy products. I can easily die if i eat anything with nuts or dairy in it.

yes, it may swell up their lungs and suffocate them. I remember on the news that a boy died from peanuts allergy when his girlfriend kissed him after eating peanut butter.

Yes. Remember a couple of years ago that teenage girl in Canada died because she had a severe peanut allergy and she had kissed her boyfriend who had eaten a peanut butter sandwich?

Yes, one girl was allergic to peanuts, and her boy friend ate some and an hour later he kissed her, and she died.

If they are so allergic they go into anaphylactic shock. Throat swells and closes up and they die, unless the have a shot with them that will quickly reopen the air ways. (I can't remember what it's called though.)

Defiantly. There's a guy at my school that has a severe peanut allergy and if he just smells peanuts then he has to go to the hospital, no joke. It happened to him one time. I myself started wheezing very badly and my hands started shaking when i ate barley one time. It was scary before i got to the hospital.

yes they can, I hope you have an epipen and know how to use it?

Yes, I am allergic to tree nuts, which also includes pine nuts, which are in pesto. I never thought about that, and wound up being carried out of my workplace on a stretcher after eating an Italian sub with pesto sauce. They called 911 for me, I couldn't breath, my throat swelled up so much.

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