I hate the sound of people chewing/breathing.?!

Question: When people chew food specially with there mouth open i get soo pissed off i dont know why i feel liek killing people i hate the sound its so disgusting..and when people snore or breathe i hate that as well..my older bro is soo nasty he makes these disgusting sounds from his mouth i feel like killing him...am i the only one or am i a freak?

Answers: When people chew food specially with there mouth open i get soo pissed off i dont know why i feel liek killing people i hate the sound its so disgusting..and when people snore or breathe i hate that as well..my older bro is soo nasty he makes these disgusting sounds from his mouth i feel like killing him...am i the only one or am i a freak?

*chomp chomp* mmm *chew chew*
*breathes loudly*
*snores loudly zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*
*chomp chomp*


yeah, It bugs the crap outta me too. There is a guy in my office that drinks so loud...I can hear him swallow from 50yards away...I HATE it!! I don't really wanna kill him but I would like to slap the soda can out of his hand.

Preaching to the Choir my friend. People should take sensitive chews.

ha no u are fosho not a freak!
i just DIE when people do that kind of crap...
i just wanna chop their heads off!! hahajjk.
like in the mornig, my brother will be slurping and munching so loudly i have to leave the kitchen...

I put music on during mealtimes so I don't have to listen to people chewing.

The breathing doesn't bother me, but my son has a disgusting habit of hocking mucus and every time he does it I want to go ape**** on him. I don't know where he picked that up because it disgusts my husband as well. Actually I do have an idea...his best friend was here last night and they were doing it together to see who could do it best! GROSS GROSS GROSS.

Hopefully I'll be able to train him out of it before some poor unsuspecting young woman marries him (he's only 12, so I have time).

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