How do you know if you have stomach worms?!

Question: Stomach worms is it really nessarry to proform surgery???
10 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.
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9 minutes ago

i hope i dont have any, cause you never know, im actually scared..
9 minutes ago

well kinda scared, but in a manly calm state of mind.

Answers: Stomach worms is it really nessarry to proform surgery???
10 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.
Additional Details
9 minutes ago

i hope i dont have any, cause you never know, im actually scared..
9 minutes ago

well kinda scared, but in a manly calm state of mind.

Your Dr. can run blood test and see if any parasites are in it. We also perform fecal exams on specimens and test for parasites. Some symptoms include anal itching primarily at night, or coughing up worms. More people have worms than you would think. If you are concerned about getting worms than always wear shoes outside, bugspray and wash all of your produce. Yes I mean all of it even the outside of your banans, oranges, pineapples etc. Even though the bags of salad say pre washed wash them anyway. Don't drink from streams they can be contaminated and you not know it. If you want to find out if you have worms ask your doctor to do a fecal exam. You will have to collect the specimen in a sterile jar and bring it to the lab for analysis.

Unless you live in a third world country, worms are very rare. Why do you think you have them? Is it because you can't gain weight or what?

I used to consider that as I was so skinny, but, I did some research and changed my lifestyle and eating habits, and exercised, and I gained alot of weight and muscle, so, that thought was out the window.

If you want to know how I gained weight, just ask. But if you're purely scared about these worms - get it checked out.

If you see worms in your pheces, then you know you have worms. Most digestive worms are microscopic and you cannot see them. The only way to know is to have a phecal culture analyzed at a medical laboratory. Some doctors might try prescribing some medications on annual basis if you live in an area where they are common.

o god now i think i have worms im scared =0

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