Can I collect blood from a cut and use it instead of a blood test?!

Question: Can I do this, or will the doctor have to use a needle to extract the blood?

Answers: Can I do this, or will the doctor have to use a needle to extract the blood?

Theoretically, you can, if you have test tubes and you bleed enough, but the reliability of the results is questionable. The blood collected will be contaminated with micro-particles (cellular debris, dust particles, hair fragments, sweat, minerals, etc.) and organisms from your skin that may affect the results. So, at least you can't use it for blood culture or serum electrolyte assay (like sodium and potassium). Without a test tube, blood will coagulate within 2 - 5 minutes and can't be used for laboratory assessment. Blood works are very accurate and the amount of blood has to be precise.

Use needle. The cut is not probably cleanest way to get sample. Also, doctors prefer fresh blood.

If you need a blood test ran it must be drawn out of a blood vessel.What were you planning to put the blood you coleect in.Blood collection is a sterile tecneqe.You just cant cut your selt and give it to alab to be tested.

No, for many reasons. I am a phlebotomist, and you can't do that because you don't have the tubes it needs to go in, which have anticoagulants (edta, heparin, etc) to keep the blood from clotting, and even if you did, you wouldn't be able to get enough blood without seriously hurting yourself, and it would most likely clot before you ever get enough blood into the tube anyways. Plus, it needs to be drawn by a reputable laboratory so that it is properly identified as being yours and labeled. if you bring it from elsewhere, there's no guaranteeing it's yours. and they arent going to do a tyoing unless you are having a surgery that you may end up recieving blood, they don't routinely type people blood unless there is a need to know the type. Then the blood also has to go through other processes like centrifuging, etc. Sterility wouldn't affect the tests unless they are checking specifically for bacteria. plus, many other reasons, but I think that pretty much answers the question.

no. this has to be done on empty stomach first thing in the morning and need two small bottles of this.You only eat at night and do not drink or eat in the morning then do the test.

No.!!! Because, the quantity is not enough and the speciman might be contaminated and thus will affect the test results. For accuracy , you need a venipuncture specimen

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