Has any one had this done??..?!

Question: Has any one had this done!?!?!.!.!?
My first question ended up in the wrog catagory!. So here it is again!. Has any one had an upper endoscopy!.!. basically a camera down your throat to see whats is going on down in your stomach!? I am really worried about what is going to go on!. Please tell me about what happened when you went!. I have to go in on wed!. Please help me with your experiance I am really nervous!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i have that 2 days ago,,, first they will let u drink sum disgusting liquid but wont let you swallow it,, taste like a minty oil,, its like a anesthetic,thats for like 5 mins,, then swallow;!.

after that they'll put a cable with camera into to your mouth or nose,, its kinda painful but im sure can manage it,,

goodluck,,, i dont want to scare you but it hurts me,,Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its a routine procedure and nothing to be scared about!.
At least they will locate any issues or problems so they can be solved !.
Good luck

sorry, no i have not had it done!.!.!. however, i do know of people that have had it done!.!.!.it's nothing to worry about! it may be a bit uncomfortable though, but hopefully you will be given a sedative to relax!. good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's ok they only look on the insideWww@Answer-Health@Com

yes, i had it done:its not painful!.the camera is at the end of a long flexible rubber hose, not thicker than your finger!.
Also:before the camera/rubber hose is put down your throat, you are given a sedative(in the I!.V!.) and the back of the throat is prayed to freeze/numb it!.
after the sedative was given to me, i was out cold!.cant remember anything,except waking up on a gurney!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, I had suspected oesophageal damage in 1966 and had that done under general anaesthetic!. I was admitted for a day or two and came hime without harm!. There was some discomfort afterwards where the scope had been pushed down but 42 years later I am still in one piece! I can only say that procedures have improved massively over that time and you probably won't even know they've done it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I personally have not had it done,however I have been supporting a gentleman who has ,you can ask to be sedated
that way you not be aware of what is going on in the procedure!.Also prior to that try counting because it works on the same side of the brain where you get nervous,I got told this when I had to have a MRI scan,and found it helped!.
good luck to youWww@Answer-Health@Com

To be honest it is nothing to worry about i had this done a few years back as i had a stomache bleed!. Its a small camera placed down your throat, i gagged a few times so they decided to put me to sleep, trust me it is nothing to worry about, good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

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