Question regarding the HPV vaccine?!

Question: Question regarding the HPV vaccine!?
I have a question about HPV!. I am a little bit confused about what exactly it is!. HPV is a cervical cancer right!? Its caused by sexually transmitted infections!? There is a vaccine to prevent it right!?

The only reason I'm asking is because I have a physical in a month and I was wandering if I should get the vaccine!? I'm 25 yrs old (will be 26 on July 15th) and the only person I've ever had sex with is my husband!. So would I need to ask for the vaccine during my physical or will the doctor give me the vaccine if I don't ask for it!?

I've seen the comercials on TV about Gardisil and I've read some stuff online about HPV but I'm still unclear on some things!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

HPV is a virus with many different strains!. Some cause cancer (cervical, anal, vulvar, penile), some cause 'genital warts' and some do nothing that we know of!.

The vaccine available will prevent 70% of cervical cancer and 90% of genital warts!. It has shown excellent efficacy and safety!.

Even if you have been exposed to 1 of the four strains already!. the vaccine will prevent the other 3 from infecting you should you be exposed!. You would most likely need to ask for the vaccination, but I recommend that you do!.

At that point you can speak to him/her and ask some questions!.

And as for one of the previous answers on aluminum!.!.!.!.!.she doesn't know what she is talking about!. Aluminum is the 3rd most abudnant element on earth and we are constantly /daily exposed to it (mostly through our food)!.

INFANT FORMULA contains from 0!.2 to 1!.1 mg aluminum/litre whereas the HPV vaccine contains up to 0!.265 mg!. Both exposures are considered to be within the limits of safety!.

Studies show that being vaccinated against HPV is safe!. Few side effects have been reported (most are soreness at the injection site)!. You cannot get HPV from the vaccination; it does not contain any live or dead virus, or any preservatives, latex, or antibiotics, including thimerosal or mercury!.

Good luck with your decisionWww@Answer-Health@Com

Dont just get the vaccine just for the sake of getting it!. Really do your research and talk with your husband!. If you already have HPV, the vaccine will not change anything!. If you are planing on having sex with someone other than your spouse, or you are worried that your spouse will, then speak to your doctor about it!. Please ask your doctor questions, dont just allow them to give you needle without being fully informed!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you should go to this site and read the information provided on it!. there are very high levels of aluminum in this "vaccine" and that is very toxic for you body!. Research is key, good luck I hope you make the right decision:)


the HPv vaccine is a waste of time and money

it only protects against a couple of them and theres like over 100 of the strain of disease

if your not sleeping around dont get the vaccine they shouldnt give it to u unless u ask for itWww@Answer-Health@Com

Talk to your doctor!. I can tell you that the reasearch is really only strong for woman before intercourse!. As long as you or your husband don't cheat, you won't be at any greater risk!. If you already have it, then there is nothing the vaccine can do for you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

HPV is an STD that can cause cancer!. Gardisil protects you against the 4 types of HPV that can cause said cancer!. You might as well get it, it can't hurt anything!. You'll need to ask for it!. It's a series of 3 shots done over time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

HPV is a virus Human papillomavirus that causes cervical cancer!. It is spread by sexual contact (vaginal or anal)!. There is a vaccine Guardasil that helps to prevent it!. Not all cervical cancers are caused by the HPV, and not all HPV is prevented by such vaccine!. There are about 40 types of HPV!. Although the only person you have ever had sexual contact with is your husband, it may be relevant if he has had sexual contact with other women before you because a person can have HPV even if years have passed since he or she had sex!. Most infected persons do not realize they are infected or that they are passing the virus to a sex partner!.

I'm pretty sure you would have to ask for vaccine from the Dr!. I do not think they would automatically vaccinate you without some information or a release of sorts!.

I hope that this helps!.
P!.S!. The recommended age for Guardasil is 11-26 yrs of age, so you should make your decision quickly as you're reaching the higher age!. My friend caught this HPV from her straying husband at age 19!. She passed away at 20 from full blown cervical cancer (after having her cervix removed)!. It is a very serious and deadly condition!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

HPV is the human papaloma virus *i prolly spelt that wrong* which is an STD that causes both warts and/or cervical cancer!. there are HUNDREDS of strains, and when you here that 1 in 4 teens have an STD, this is the one they are talking about!. Males dont usually get symptons so its very easily transmittable, and if your husband had sex even once before you, there is a chance you have it!. the shot prevents 4 types, 2 cause warts the other 2 cause cervial cancer!. you can still get any of the hundreds of other strains with the shot, but the shot is a good goood thing, because the 4 it prevents are the worst of the strains!. HPV is different from herpes too (some people like to argue they are the same thing, THEY ARE NOT, very very different)!. so get the shot, because SOOn you will be too old!. its in 3 different doses, and they hurt a little because the shot is refridgerated!. one dose is when you request it, one is 2 months later, and the third is 6 months after the first one!. get the shot!. i did, and im glad i did, because even though my pap comes out normal, i still could have either of the strains the shot prevents!. i hope i didnt confuse you!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

HPV is not cancer!. HPV is the Human Papiloma Virus!. It causes gental warts in men and women and when women get it it causes bumps on your outsides and insides!. The insides of your vag and on your cervix can grow these abnormal cells and they grow and can cause various cancers in the female body!.

if you are under 21 or have had less than a handful of sexual partners, you could get this vaccine AND YOU SHOULD becuase it will not only protect you from the warts, but also the cancer they cause!.

a TON of guys have it and dont know!. Your husband could have it!.

4 in 5 people have HPV!. It does nothing to men so they dont usually even know they have it unless they get a small wart on their penis or balls!. guys get them burned off with freezing notrogen or somehting but women get them way worse!.

you really should look into this because a close friend of mine had to have them burned off of her cervix, and they come back!. you never get rid of them!. they came back everywhere and she had to have a slice taken right off the end of her cervix (super painful and no sex for weeks) and they also came back inside her anus!.

Seriously people get the vaccination, i did and i would reccoment it to anyone and their daughters!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

wow, had to answer this one (i'll be 26 on july 15th as well! and i am living with hpv)!.

ok so hpv is not cervical cancer or a type of cervical cancer!. it is a virus that can CAUSE cervical cancer!. i was actually born with it, it was passed to me when my mother delivered me and back in the early 80's, not much was known about it!. some kinds of hpv strains cause genital warts, some do not!. i have been living with this my whole life and have had about three flare ups where treatment was needed and it wasn't bad at all!.

i don't know if you need it, if you are in a 100% monogamous relationship, i don't think it's necessary!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

HPV is a sexually transmitted virus (with hundreds of strain types) that can cause genital warts and potentially increase the likelihood of contracting cervical cancer!. The risk of contracting cervical cancer is minimally low, since 90% of HPV infections show no symptoms and clears up on its own!. It's only a persistent infection that can increase the liklihood of cancerous leisions of the cervix!.

Yes, there is a vaccine!. But read these articles before deciding which is more dangerous-the virus or the vaccine!. Merck's in it for the money only!.


















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