How can you get a peircing at home on the ear & if you can, will it hurt?!

Question: How can you get a peircing at home on the ear & if you can, will it hurt!?
will it hurt & how do you do it!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes it can be done at home, but having had it done at home and with a gun at a store, id opt for the gun!. all you need is a needle!. make sure it is disinfected, some people say to put a ice cube on the back of the lobe but i only had two hands!.!.!.!. and push the needle through!.!.!.!. then put the earring in!. make sure to keep the area clean and use peroxide!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yeah, i do always!.!.

Get a bag of ice or something cold, and place it on your ear for about 2-5 minutes (or until it feels numb)!.

Get a real piercing needle!. Do not share needles with other people (if you are in that kind of situation, you probably should not be piercing your ears)!.

If the needle did not come in a sterile package, sterilize the needle with an open flame!. Then put 70%+ rubbing alcohol on the needle!. Be sure to remove any soot or detrius!.

Clean your earring, and your ear with either 70%+ Alcohol or Iodine!.

Put something sturdy on the back of your ear like a slice of potato!. This is so when you push the needle in, you have something to push against, rather than tugging the skin!. A potato slice is good because the needle will pierce through it!.

Stick whatever you chose smoothly through your ear until all the way through!. Do not wiggle the needle, keep it straight!. Leave whatever you chose in for at least 5 minutes with ice and something to wipe the little bits of blood off with!.

Remove the piercing tool!. If you used ice in the above step your ear should be numb and you can now slowly remove whatever you chose from your ear!.

Put the earring through the hole and then the backing right after you wipe up the bits of blood!. You're finished!


Clean the pin, needle, ear, and earring with rubbing alcohol before using!.
Sterilize the pin or needle with an open flame (like a match or a lighter)!.
Keep in for at least 4 to 6 weeks before changing!.
Have something nearby to clean up any blood from the piercing!.
Clean it every day with a salt water solution until fully healed (approximately 6 weeks)!.
Measure where you want your piercings before you pierce! (Remember the old saying 'Measure twice, cut once'!? Definitely applies here!) There is nothing more frustrating than to finish piercing only to notice one/both of your piercings is/are crooked!


Do not twist earrings until fully healed!. It won't get "stuck in one position" and touching your earring more than necessary is the best way to get an infection!
Your ear will probably bleed when you take the needle out or when you put the earring in!.
Don't take the earring out for at least 4-6 weeks, or the hole will close!.
Keep your hair away from the earring!. It will get stuck in between your ear and the earring!.
Don't let it become infected! If it does, do not remove the piercing! Doing so will seal the infection within the earlobe, which can cause many problems!. Clean the infected piercing thoroughly with salt water 3 times daily!. Iodized salt soaks (10 minutes at a time) can also be an effective, if time consuming, way of drawing out the infection!.
Piercing your own ear is often much more tedious than having it professionally done (meaning going to a piercer and having them done with a needle, not a piercing gun)!. It can, however, also be much more rewarding to know you did it yourself (but this method can also save you between $20 and $30!)!.
Do not keep the back of your earing on too tight or it won't give it enough breathing space and it might cause it to become infected!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you do it at home just numb the ear with ice and that will help with the pain!. I would advise that you got get a piercing kit at Wal-Mart and it will show you how!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes you can get a 16 gage sewing needle clean it good with Alcohol get ice cubs put on ear until frozzen and squeeze the needle threw and than put ear ring in clean ear every day until healedWww@Answer-Health@Com

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