I live with my parents and i smoke in my bedroom is there anything i can get to !

Question: I live with my parents and i smoke in my bedroom is there anything i can get to eliminate the smell!?
I'm 20 years old and I live with my parents while im going to college!. My dad smokes but he goes outside and I smoke in my bedroom, in which case my parents make me keep my door closed constantly which traps the smell of smoke in my room until i open the door and then they complain!. i was wondering if there was anything i could get that could help take the smell of smoke out of my room so i wouldn't have to hear my parents complain!. Idk if air purifiers work!? any suggestionsWww@Answer-Health@Com

First of all you are poisoning your self and killing brain cells by smokeing!. Not that I care!.But any way!. The best solution is to stop smoking but you probably arn't gunna do that so use one or more of the following suggestions !. Use glade candles, glade sented oils!. Oust is really strong and it will temperarily cover the smell up!.(about 2 minutes, seriously)Or you can use Febrese I use that in my home and it leaves every thing smell ing fresh!. Remember to spray all of your fabrics or the bacteria that causes the smell will just multiply!. Febreeze it the best! It would also help to put car air freshners infront of the vents in your room so that it does not blow around smokey air!. If you use the air freshners it will blow around refreshed air, like my favorite, "Pine of the Forest"!. I hope that helped!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Open the window, or just smoke outside!.Www@Answer-Health@Com



go outside!. lol, don't be smokin in ur parents' house dude!. or just use febreeze or however u spell thatWww@Answer-Health@Com

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