Bump on lip?!

Question: Bump on lip!?
I have a bump on my bottom lip, and only can see it when I wrap my bottom lip over my bottom set of teeth, so it pushes down making it noticeable it's white, and after a while of playing with it, some puss came out!.!.!. so I figured it was some kind of zit!.!. and pushed a lot, and eventually got a whole bunch of puss out!.!.!. not even talking zit, like a whole bunch of it!.!.!.!.!. Just wondering what it could beWww@Answer-Health@Com

it could be a cold sore also know as fever sores its from hvs1 herpes simplex viru (hvs2 is the sexually one) any ways cold sores are caused from stress or if you have kissed someone that has one or shared a pop with them how you treat them is i use carmax its like a lipbalm but it helps it in a few days it will like scab over once it does this peel the scab part of and it should be gone 1 to 2 days after thatWww@Answer-Health@Com


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