Where can I go to help me stay motivated?!

Question: Where can I go to help me stay motivated!?
I am a diabetic and I can do so well for a while but then I just get frustrated and say screw the diet, then it take another 6 months to get back on track!.!. I need help staying motivated!. I don't do well with big message boards, I need more one on one, I think!. I hate to bother people in my life because I am sure they get as tired of hearing it as I do living it!. Is there a way to get help that is in a smaller group setting or one on one that is inexpensive!? I really want to do better with my blood sugars!. Please help!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Most hospital have Focus Groups, meetings of people with similar problems who get together to help each other!. In many cases these groups are led or steered by a psychologist or psychiatrist with some expertise in "motivation"!. Most often attendance is free!.

So call the local hospital and tell them you needs, and see if what they have available!.

If they have nothing, please consider volunteering to help start one -- you being the first enrolled patient -- because you KNOW there are others out there just like you, and ALL of us would benefit from an additional friendly-but-impartial source of support!.


The two things that made the biggest difference for me were seeing a Diabetes Educator regularly (they know way more than the docs do and they want you to succeed, they don't beat you down) and group meetings through the American Diabetes Association!. Sometimes just seeing people who go through the same challenges you do makes me want to take better care of myself!. Also establish some long-term goals for your senior life such as traveling to specific countries or being in a certain physical shape when you turn 60!. It gets you thinking long-term instead of just in the present!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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