How many know of Cystic Fibrosis?!


How many know of Cystic Fibrosis?

Just curious to see how many know about it.

Its supposed to be the most common heridatory disease, but for some not many people seem to know about it..

I am myself a sufferer of it, so please dont make any pathetic remarks (altho, im guessin some people really are that shallow)

Anyway, just say if you do or not :)

If you dont try and search it, if you learn something new everyday.. its always got good things. Unless it kills you, then well.. Your screwed :)

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1 day ago
Im really suprised at how many people knew about it, i was expecting 1 maybe 2 replies. Ive actually asked random people on the streets (Im 17, so no i dont randomly get hit doing it! least not yet hehe) and people dont seem to know about it


Yes - when I was at school my mum worked as a school nurse (same school) for a young girl called Sandy who had CF. I got to know her really well and she was able to stay over at our house and stuff as my mum was able to look after her!

Princess Diana came to my town one year and was going to land in her helicopter on our school fields - I wrote to her and asked if she could give Sandy a special wave - thinking it would never happen! When Di arrived the first thing she said to the Headmaster was 'wheres Sandy?', she then got to receive a big bunch of greenfly ridden roses from Sandy!!
The Head was a bit peed of cos he had organised all these other kids with florist bouquets to meet Diana first!! His quote in the paper was 'it was something the children organised themselves' !!!! - Sorry to waffle, but is my bestest memory!

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