Mono question...?!


Mono question...?

K, so I was diagnosed with mono yesterday, yet I still have an appetite and can function...does this mean that its going to get worse or that I have only an acute case? I'm just sort of confused because I thought the whole wasting away losing weight thing was involved with mono and the whole no energy thing...who knows. Anywho, has anyone ever heard of varying degrees of mono, and if so, does that mean it will subside quickly and I'll be able to run again because I'm fearing weight gain not loss as I can't exercise, yet I'm still eating. grrrr...

Additional Details

18 hours ago
I like that response.
More details: my throat is extremely infected the doc says and my left side (spleen inflamed) is extremely sore but I've been working out hard prior to the diagnosis.


Most people by the time they are adults have been exposed to or had Mono. Most of the time you may not have more than just a little sore throat, fever, fatigue and it will go away in less than 7 days. Some people do get very sick with Mono that's the ones everyone hears about. Everyone's response to the virus is different-just like with chicken pox, colds etc. You could get worse and it has been my experience that people who try to do too much WILL end up getting sicker. You should definately avoid any strenuous physical activity and ANY contact sports for 6 weeks. One of the big risk factors with Mono is the spleen can swell (and you won't know it-it can be asymptomatic) but with a direct blow, it can rupture--sometimes requireing surgery to keep you from bleeding to death. In the mean time, feed your body what it wants--you are sick and your metabolism is up--you body needs the protein and calories to make the antibodies to fight off the virus.

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