Allergy problem?!


Allergy problem?

My wife has allergy problem. Most of the time problem comes if she does not sleep properly. When she wake up she will have sneezing and sneezing. when she sneee it makes lot of noise. She is pregnent also, so I affraid to give her any medicine. doctor also did not recoment any medicine though.
One more thing we observed that she will have allergy problem inside the apartment. we lived in three states in US and it happenes every time. may be due to carpet or walls.
we also tried couple of room freshner, but no help.

Any suggestion is welcomed.

Additional Details

4 days ago
I don't think it is Soap or detergent . because when she is outside the apartment, she is OK. when in the apartment, she feels itchyness in her nose and start sneezing.


Your wife has all of the signs of dust mite allergies. Did you know that dust mites and their waste are the single largest known trigger of allergies worldwide? The best defense in helping your wife avoid the allergic triggers in your home and specifically your bedroom is to develop an avoidance strategy. I noticed an answer below that suggested using a humidifier, this is NOT a good idea, in fact you want just the opposite, dust mites do not drink water from their mouth, the absorp it through their shell or outerlayer from the airborne moisture in your home, you should de-humidify your bed room to a 40% relative humidity which will prevent new mites from multiplying. Chances are your bed is already infested, you need to encase your mattress and pillows with an allergy bedding product that has a pore size of less than 1 micron. Make sure that your wife is not vacuuming the bed room, you should do it which will avoid getting the allergic triggers airborne and into her respiratory system. Wash your bedding weekly with extremely hot water. Remove all carpets and cloth drapes from your bed room which can harbor dust mites and other allergic triggers.

All of this information is available at

Take a look at the healthy sleep tips there. Also keep in mind that due to your wife's pregnancy there are obvious issues surrounding her taking medication. An avoidance strategy is the best place to start as it does not require her to ingest any medication but in fact she will avoid the actuall toxins and allergic triggers that are in fact causing her discomfort and symptoms. When you child is born you need to be thinking about preventing your new born from being exposed to these same allergic triggers, studies have shown that allergic trigger avoidance at an early age lessens the liklihood of that child growning up and developing full blown allergies. You dont want to expose a new born to any allergic trigger much like you should not expose your new born to peanuts and milk, all of which can cause an allergic response. That child needs to have its immune system develop before it can take on these toxins, and considering your wife's tendencies towards allergies, chances are your child will have a similar genetic make up.

Good luck!

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