Are scabs on my inneer lip an alergic reaction?!


Are scabs on my inneer lip an alergic reaction?

I brush my teeth twice per day and gargle with hydrogen peroxide twice per day. I have had to livewith this scab on my left inner lip for a while. Occasionally, I get a scab on my inner lip. What makes this happen? I do not smoke and take any drugs.

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1 week ago
I have had plantar warts before, but used medication to terminate the virus. Ever since I started renting a room during my sophomore year of college (5years ago) I have had this problem. I rented a room in someones' house and shared a bathroom with a few people. Can you get cold sores from the bathroom?


canker sore
or herpes
but i hope it a canke sore

but u could try "mouth washing" some salt water and see if it goes away. give it a few weeks. but only if u know for certain it is not herpes (that needs to be treated by a trained profesional aka doctor).

i no it taste gross but it works. i used to have braces.

check out the sites below and see if your scab looks like one of those.

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