My lower leg is swolling and red what should i do?!


My lower leg is swolling and red what should i do?

right above my ankle my inner lower leg on both side is swolling and red does any one know what this is i didnt have no injury or allegric reaction to anything it just got swolling and red sice i started working this weeek i havent worked in like 1 year and a half and at my job i stand for long periods of time and i weigh like 420 pounds and also i have this tingling num buring feeling ive been having on my tigh for like a couple of months already and i wont go away can anyone please give some expert advice with this and if i should go to the doctor


you should seek medical attention as soon as possible...those are common symptoms of a blood clot in a vein in your leg. An ultrasound is recommended to rule it out. If there isn't a blood clot, you are probably retaining water in your leg. But usually that happens in both the next explanation could be poor valves that do not work properly inside the veins in your legs causing pooling of blood in the lower legs, which could ultimately lead to a blood clot. Definitely go and have a doctor order an ultrasound doppler exam to check for a blood clot. And don't wait.

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