Any idea whats wrong with me ?!


Any idea whats wrong with me ?

For the past 3-4 weeks, cough headach, larengitious at times.
now feel flu like sore throat, feel depressed loss of appertite and feel to ill to do my normal things like going to the gym, just want to be well again
I am seldom ill but this is getting me down now

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1 week ago
when ever I go to my gp its always viral as far as they are concerned.


Viruses, espcially now a days in thewestern world, are taking longer to get rid of. For some they can take up to 10-12 weeks.Each virus makes you more likely to get another.
Unfortunately, there is basically nothing that can be done for a virus infection except over the counter stuff to make you feel a bit better. However, a virus can also make you more likely to get a bacterial infection, so it is wise to visit your doctor just to check.
Take paracetamol (i think the equivalent in the US is acetamorphan) for the headaches and aches and pains, gargle with an antiseptic mouth wash or dissolved aspirin, rest but also get out in the fresh air. Drink plenty of fluids such as water, at lest 2L a day minimum.
The feeling depressed, loss of appetite and lack of enthusiasm are part of the process unfortunately.

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