My sister is a crackhead...she's around my children.?!


My sister is a crackhead...she's around my children.?

what diseases can my children get being around my crack whore sister? Sorry about the bluntness but it is what it is..she is living right next to my parents and from time to time makes my children a glass of tea of sandwich or sometimes dinner, my parents won't get her to leave (it's their house she's living in next door to my parents) because they don't want her out on the streets again. So when I visit, besides being very ugly with her and telling her not to handle my children anymore, which I plan on doing, what I need to know is, what diseases can be contracted thru close body contact? Hep a or Hep c? Aids, TB or what? She won't get testes and even if she did, she wouldn't tell us is my guess. She is sorry as crap and looks like she's 65 and she's 35, has lost everything she ever had including her own three children. The way my husband and I see it is our children shouldn't have to suffer thru a disease because of a crackhead's choices and mistakes, what have you... help..

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1 week ago
also, you must know, my daughter drank after her yesterday, I'm scared to death. My sister has horrible scabs and open looking "wounds" on her face and her whole body and is about 5ft tall and maybe 90 pounds. She says it's because of her nerves and she "picks" at her self all the time, what are these marks? Our family isn't familiar with drugs other than her and what hell she's put us thru. Which is alot, she doesn't want any help so that's out.. I need all the advice I can get, can we force her to be tested for diseases? Should my children be tested? Should I? What do we do in short of not taking our kids around her, which means I can't see my parents and my kids can't see their grandparents, I don't want that, help me...P.S. My brother and hos wife feel the same and so does our other sister and her husband about their kids too, this will help us all..

1 week ago
I think some of you are a little confused, I don't live there, I live thirty minutes away and visit every couple of weekends for a day and come home. If I am outside and my little five year old goes to get a cup of drink or water and comes outside and says my sister helped her etc...she does NOT supervise my kids at all! But she is present there from time to time..

1 week ago
We have tried to help her many times and many more times!! She has been to rehab a time or two and refuses all help. Why do you think our parents let her live there, so they can try to help her, but you have to understand, you can't help someone who doesn't want the help, my children are innocent bystanders here, I'm quite frankly tired of defendind my sister and my actions, I work hard to take good care of my kids and she has a house handed to her on a platter and lost her kids meanwhile I have to worry about my children's health everytime I visit my mom and dad!


Wow sounds like your describing my sister to a T. My sister was/is addicted to crack and crank, she too is in horrible health and needs help but refuses. Trouble is, you cant help those who dont want help. We tried helping my sister so many times and she just uses us for what she can get.

My sister has Hepatitis C from shareing needles for her habits. But we dont fear her cause of this. You simply NEED to educate yourself on the desieses your sister can get from doing drugs and you need to know how they can spread so your not freaking out everytime your kid drinks after your sister.

The hepatitis A virus is found in the stool of people with hepatitis A. It is spread from person to person by putting something in your mouth that has been contaminated with the stool of an infected person.

Therefore, hepatitis A is most commonly transmitted in drinking water or food contaminated with the stool containing the virus.

You cannot get hepatitis C from casual contact such as hugging, kissing, sneezing, coughing, or sharing food or water with someone. You can get hepatitis C if your blood comes into contact with the blood of someone who has hepatitis C.

The most common way to get hepatitis C is by sharing needles and other equipment (such as cotton, spoons, and water) used to inject illegal drugs

People who have a latent TB infection cannot spread the disease.

TB in the lungs (pulmonary TB) is contagious. It spreads when a person who has active disease exhales air that contains TB-causing bacteria and another person inhales the bacteria from the air.

TB in other areas of the body (extrapulmonary TB) cannot spread easily to others.

A person gets HIV when an infected person's body fluids (blood, semen, fluids from the vagina or breast milk) enter his or her bloodstream. The virus can enter the blood through linings in the mouth, anus or sex organs (the penis and vagina), or through broken skin.
You cannot get HIV from:

Touching or hugging someone who has HIV/AIDS.
Public bathrooms or swimming pools.
Sharing cups, utensils, or telephones with someone who has HIV/AIDS.
Bug bites.

so that covers what you mentioned. If your still worried do some research, but by being around your sister, your pretty much safe. Just make sure you sanitize your toilet seat and other areas that her body fluids may come in contact with.

Also, your sister chose her life and will continue to live how she pleases. Dont stop loving her , she IS your sister. Im not saying condone her or give her what she wants . by all means have your limits. But dont disown her cause shes your family and you only get one family..then they are gone before you know it.

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