How do I get rid of appendicides (I believe, not diagnosed and can't be positive!


How do I get rid of appendicides (I believe, not diagnosed and can't be positive)?

I didn't think it was at first, because for days I was going, "No, its okay, because the appendix would be on the left side." Apparently its on the right, and it right where all the sharp mains are periodically coming from and the constant dull pain is. And no, it isn't the really bad kind of appendicitis (I hope?), 1 in 15 people AT LEAST actually get appendicitis in their lifetime, and only in a few cases is it seriously deadly. It usually heals itself on its own and is inflamed because of blockage of stool. This is the kind where I get a lot of pains right where my appendix is and sometimes have to keel over in pain and feel nausea all the time, and I've had some minor fevers, but I haven’t puked or been in horrible unbearable pain. Is there any way to speed the healing process? And how to I stop this constipation?

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1 week ago
Check the exact area? What do you mean? I did my research on where the appendix is located, and I know that the pain is coming from right there in the lower left side of my abdominal region, it feels like its in the lower part of my intestines on the left.

1 week ago
I'm really getting nervous now reading all of this. Do I need to go to the hospital right now? Its 12:22 at night. I'm afraid to go to sleep though because I'm scared my appendix will rupture. Should I just sleep on it?


If it is appendicdis, there is no way to cure it, this is a disease that just gets worst until it reputers and cause sepsis, that is a major infection in the body area around the organs. Nothing is suppose to leak in the safe zone area. And can be very fatal. If there is a fever you need to get check ASAP!! that could mean a infection

Hundinie was at his last magic act and his side was hurting and he was running a fever but he finished his act and went to the hospital where he did 3 hour or so later. He had no idea his appendix has busrt.

The appendix is on the right side right under the botton right rib.
If you are having pain in the left side it could be other issues, constipation,weak colon, the colon gos in a loop almost up and curves right unter the left botton rib

have worked in health care for many years and from what I have seem, there might be(differant with each person) serious pain on the right side under the ribs, I have seen cramping pain to holy cow doubled over pain. If you can feel around your side with your finger tips because of to much pain that is a warning sign. This is a very common surgery, but it is not dx'ed as much as it was in the early 1800-1900.
Doctors can do blood tests now to see if it is the appendix so the chances of unneeded surgery is very small.

You know your body better than anyone, if you are worryed get checked out the worst thing that could happen is that either no it is something else or yes it is. And now the surgery is so fast and the down time is very short. Just listen to your body and don't put your self in danger because you can answer a what if

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