My boyfriend has warts all over his anus. What is that? Is he cheating?!


My boyfriend has warts all over his anus. What is that? Is he cheating?


1. He most likely has Human Papilloma Virus, or HPV. This is an STD carried by over 80% of sexually active adults, and its symptoms are exactly as you describe.

2. It's possible he had this before he was with you; it's possible you gave them to him; and it's possible that he got it from someone else. There is a long latency period, sometimes months.

3. It's not necessarily true that he has been with someone anally; if an infected female touched her vagina and then touched his anus, he could easily contract it that way. Or he could even pass it to himself that way. That's why a lot of female porn stars use what they call the "my hand, your hand" rule, so as to avoid touching themselves with the same hand that touches the man's genitals. The germs can't live on the skin of the fingers for a long period of time - but they can live long enough to be transferred during sex, and they love the soft and moist areas around the genitals and the anus.

4. Treatment is going to be very uncomfortable for him. This will likely entail freezing the warts off with liquid nitrogen at the doctor's office. Having been through that - IT SUCKS! You also should both be tested for HIV and other STD's just as a matter of caution. You should determine what form of HPV it is (several types can cause cervical cancer in women). Both of you should dramatically increase the amount of broccoli and cauliflower you eat, as those foods contain carotene and vitamins c and e - which help the body keep stuff like this and certain cancers from developing.

Good luck! And don't ASSUME he's cheating based on this; if you've got other evidence, go with that.

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