Could I be anemic?!


Could I be anemic?

I have been on my period for 6 straight months and I've been seeing doctors about it. I've been tested for anemia and they say I'm not anemic, but I've noticed something really strange. I'm tan because I lay out in the sun a lot. But in the parts that don't get any sun I'm completely white. And now my areolas on my boobs are just as white as the surrounding skin. This just happened recently. Is this a sign that I'm becoming anemic?

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
Btw, the last time I was tested for anemia was about 3 months ago.

2 weeks ago
And I've been seeing doctors about my bleeding problem, I've been put on hormones and they didn't work. We've been trying all sorts of different things and I'm STILL undiagnosed.


You could becomming anemic and when they tested your blood you were'nt ,but you should get checked again b 4 i gets real bad.

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