Severe nasal / sinus problems and chesty cough - been going on for years! Doctor!


Severe nasal / sinus problems and chesty cough - been going on for years! Doctors don't listen to me!?

I have severe problems with either blocked / runny nose and sinuses and a horrible chesty cough on a daily basis.

This sounds so gross...but you can literally hear all the gunk in my chest and when I cough it up it's horrible.

So anyway I went to my local GP who looked up my nose and said she thought it was a she referred me to ENT. I also looked up my own nose and can see growths that look just like polyps on the Internet.

The hospital doctor spent about 2 minutes looking up my nose - I barely tilted my head so he couldn't have looked far and he just went "You've got sinusitus" and I said "what about the polyps?" and he just dismissively said "you don't have polyps!".

Instead he gave me shitty nasal sprays which I have used for years and don't make a jot of difference. I still feel awful and my nose and cough are as bad as ever.

I've never even had an endoscope to look up my nose or a chest x-ray to check out awful cough.

P.s I do not have athsma either

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
In response the other answers...

I have a Neti pot already (i've literally tried everything) and that only relieves symptons for about 5 mins!

2nd - I have a very good diet, full of fruit, veg, fish etc and exercise regularly so I know it's not diet related. I have also had food allergy tests done...and no - i don't have any!!!


You are not alone mate, ive had the same for about 6 years now.
I`ve had sprays, steroid tablets, antibiotics, antihystamines, decongestants of all forms and even an operation (SMR) for a deviated septum- straightened the middle bit of my nose, but now 3yrs after surgery the left side of my nose has shrunk so much i can no longer breathe through it causing a post nasal drip into my throat- Disgusting i know...ENT said there`s nothing else he can do for me either. You may feel like you are mad, but if you are then i am too!

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