Do there exist any TMJ / TMJD CURES?!

Question: Do there exist any TMJ / TMJD CURES!?
Anyone got over it!? Like complete remission of all symptoms!?

Mine started with cracking and clicking in right jaw for 2 years and tinnitus, stiff in the morning etc!.

then I read on "ehow!.com" (never go there) and was told some "selfhelp" to TMJ, and suddenly now my left jaw is feeling so weird, I can't speak normally, it feels like all the muslces on my left face is fuckdup, it even looks that way from the outside!.

I got muscle knots infront of right under the ears, I KNOW these are the cause!.
But these muscle knots wont loosen up, warm water, massage, nothing :(

I read on a forum once about a guy who used this device calld c-gap c-cap g-gap g-cap or somthing, but I can't remember the name and the forum is now closed!.

anyone heard of any such thing !?

Singing is my life and now i can't sing for ****Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is possible to find relief form TMJ/TMD!. It usually requires treatment by a dentist!. MR Imaging can be done to properly diagnose the cause and treatment can be initiated to relieve the dysfunction!. It may require mouth splint (plastic mouth piece) therapy to calm things down, physical therapy relieve muscle tension, or even orthodontic treatment!. among some types of treatment!. Chiropractic is worth a look and can provide some relief!.
The device you are referring to is probably C-PAP
The person using it may have reported an increase or decrease in TMJ symptoms due to the occasional use of an intraoral mouthpiece that has been used!.
Treatment can be complex!. If you have had it for two years and as you have described the sign and symptoms correctly, I would recommend finding a dentist who specialized in treating orofacial pain!. You will probably have the best luck if you are near a large city, but you might be surprised to find someone if you live in a small town!.
Avoid things that can irritate the joint!. Gum chewing is one of the worst!.
Best wishes,Www@Answer-Health@Com

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