Do you know about a skin disorder called Vitiligo?!


Do you know about a skin disorder called Vitiligo?

I looked it up on & read about it.
Im just wondering if this is something that will affect my 3yr old in the long run...
Any info is great & appreciated.

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2 weeks ago
Cowboydoc, the reason I asked this question is b/c I met a female soldier who had this & she was fine with it (it was all over her back). If you dont know about something you should ask & so I did.
As far as your questions regarding whether it would affect him & etc... I think the responses here answer them for me.


Yes, I know about it because my 15 y/o daughter has it.
If your child has been diagnosed with it, mostly likely yes, it will affect your child. But my daughter has it and she is very self confident in who she is and the fact that she has her "spots" is okay with her.

Of course there are times when she doesn't like it, but usually, she just deals with it positively. It doesn't stop her from swimming or wearing shorts. But in casual situations, she will try to cover up (for instance, she prefers her pants a little long so they cover her feet when she wears flip flops)... but at the same time, she will not hesitate to wear shorts out to the beach.

So just give your child a good self-esteem and your child should be fine growing up with it. For us, we told her when she was young and had her deal with it then, and now at 15, it is definitely not a huge issue in her life.

There are treatments that may help, the younger the child is, the better they respond.

We don't do any treatments, as they are not covered by insurance, but we do have body make-up in the house, but my daughter has opted not to use it yet.

Oh yes, on a side note, keep the white patches covered with a VERY good sunscreen, there's no pigmentation to help protect the skin!

Good luck. It's not so bad!
You said your child was 3... my daughter had spots at a young age, but they were not noticeable until she was around 7 or so. And some years, they didn't increase, and some years they did... I think the increase depends on the person... it's hard to diagnose it at 3 years old. If you see blotchy skin, it may just be the sun right now (summer)...

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