Do i have pleurisi (sorry for spelling)?!


Do i have pleurisi (sorry for spelling)?

my docter says no but i dont believe him, he wouldnt even listen to me properly. I believe i have the ideopathic one which can come on at any time. I was in hospital when i was 3 from breathing problems, this could have caused it. when i get the pain it comes on suddenly, i cant take a deep breath and i can barley move from the pain. it has scared me my whole life and i just want someone to tell me what it is so im not worried anymore. Once when i had one it lasted 2 days, i had an x ray but it showed nothink, they just sent me home with painkillers and didnt tell me what was wrong, but ive read it doesnt show on x rays anyway. someone please tell me what ive got x

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2 weeks ago
i dont have pain when i move its just if i move i need to breath more and i cant. thanks for your help. think i need to change my docter


Pleurisy causes the same symptoms as you describe - pain when taking a deep breath in - and is caused by inflammation in the lining of the lungs.

However, it does not usually cause pain when you are moving - if you twist or turn, for example - only when you breathe.

Basically, if you breathe, you are stretching the lining of the lungs, which causes pain if they are inflammed.

When you twist or turn, you are not moving the lining of the lungs, just the muscles and the ribs and skin and all the bits above the lung.

If you have pain when you move, you are more likely to be having pain that originates in the muscles or the ribs - musculoskeletal pain - rather than in the lining of the lungs. When you take a deep breath, you also move and stretch these muscles and you can get pain when as you breathe. So it can give you similar symptoms to pleurisy.

If they didn't tell you what was wrong when you were in hospital, it means that they probably didn't know themselves. If the x-rays and scans and all the tests were normal, then they could not have made a diagnosis.

Talk to your doctor and tell him or her your concerns, and they should take the time to review the tests you had and to explain what they think is going on. There are a few other causes than those I have mentioned, but these should have been picked up by the hospital. However, if it keeps coming back, you should keep going back to them for more tests.

Hope you get something sorted. It doesn't sound as though you should be worrying about this unduly - I know it is painful, but it does not sound as though there is anything sinister underlying.

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