Kindly suggest treatment for a 4 yr old boy with acuteglomerulonephritis?!


Kindly suggest treatment for a 4 yr old boy with acuteglomerulonephritis?

Kindly suggest medicines needed. The boy belongs to our poor neighbor here in the philippines and we just want to help.

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2 weeks ago
Also pls suggest an appropriate diet? Thank you


There are multiple causes of acute glomerulonephritis and the treatment varies depending on the cause, so if at all possible the boy should see a Doctor (ideally, a 'nephrologist' or kidney doctor) who can properly diagnose the disease. One of the common forms can usually be successfully treated with penicllin, but without more information it is difficult to know how he should be treated.

Assuming he has edema (swelling in the ankles, face or eyelids, etc.), it would be helpful to restrict salt intake - try not to add any extra salt to his food until his condition resolves. His blood pressure is likely high, and restricting salt will help this. It some cases it is also helpful to restrict intake of potassium-rich foods (bananas, etc.). It's best, however, to follow whatever recommendations the Doctor gives for his specific case. I hope he improves soon!

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