Can mouth cancer be cured?!


Can mouth cancer be cured?

i don`t really know if it`s cancer but it sure looks and acts like it ... i found a picture of how it looks like except mine would be a little more on the left side in the pic .... i have it for about 1 year now and in all this period have grown twice the size it was (ps mine is smaller ,half the size than this in the pic) so here is the similar example

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2 weeks ago
sorry "mannliz" i don`t really understand your point here .... i play with my life because it`s mine and because it was and it still is a mess ..


Mouth cancer can be cured in the early stages. It is when people wait that the tumor begins to 'seed' by spreading out small and microscopic cancer cells to other parts of the body via the blood and lymphatic systems. In other words if you have one small tumor it can be removed and you may be 'cured'. If you wait to see if it goes away, the tumor grows and has the chance to replicate itself and begin the process of metastasis by 'seeding'. It is metastatic cancer that is deadly. Go see a doctor as soon as possible in order to have a definitive diagnosis. It may end up being benign. No body here knows and even a doctor won't know until the lesion is biopsied.

Oral Cancer Foundation

What you need to know about Oral cancer

Medline Plus: Oral Cancer

NCCN: Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology-
Head and Neck Cancers

Cancer incidentally refers to the rapid and uncontrollable growth of a mutant cell - so anytime a tumor or lesion is growing and doubling in size could indicate a malignancy. It can be treated at any stage, but it is easier to treat and cure when it is small. More difficult the longer you wait, since it can grow larger, invade tissue, begin replicating itself, and send out metastatic seeds. The more advanced the cancer . . the harder it is to treat successfully . . it can be done . . but its harder.

Go see a doctor as only a clinical examination can determine what you are dealing with. Good luck.

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