Could this be HPV?!


Could this be HPV?

I'm a virgin. I've never touched any other person sexually, nor has another person ever touched me sexually. No oral, no dry humping, nothing. I don't know how long this has been here, but it's been bugging me. On the shaft of my penis, bottom-side, there is something there where all the wrinkly skin meets from when i was circumsized. At first it looks out of the ordinary because it doesn't look the same as the rest of the skin around it. Granted, it is the same color and everything, but it just seems out of place.

Anyways, when I put my finger underneath the skin and kind of stretch it over my finger there is a bump, larger than the rest of the little bumps guys naturally get on their private area, but its not too big. Also, when I just grab some skin and stretch it sideways it stretches out. It looks smooth and doesn't feel very rough. When i mess with it alot it can get irritated and turn red.

Any clue as to what it could be?


could be just over growth or a pimple and get red cause your playing with it

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