Good friend died yesterday, probable cause of death: liver failure?!

Question: Good friend died yesterday, probable cause of death: liver failure!?
A friend of mine passed just yesterday and the medics that examined him on site said the cause of death was most likely liver failure!. I guess I'm just looking for anyone out there who has been through a similar situation!.

My friend had been sick for a while with what seemed like the stomach flu which was going around at the time and was staying at my boyfriends apartment!. He was getting plenty of rest drinking water and had some pepto with most-likely some IB profen for the pain!. Yesterday my boyfriend and his roomate turned the livingroom lights on and found him dead on the couch!. He had some dried blood on his hands/arms and dried blood on his lips, no vomit near his face but plenty of blood on the pillow next to him!. There was also a pool of blood filled with clots and what looked like vomit at the foot end of the bed which I think was poured out of a large cup that had recently been filled with blood!.!.!.!.!. All this happened in a period of 2-3 hours!.!.!.!. he had been throwing up prior but none of us knew of any blood in his vomit!.!.!.!. When he was removed there were stool stains (i think that is the correct term) on the couch as well, and when we looked in the bathroom the toilet and floor including the sink were covered, but it was flushed!.

I know it's a lot of detail, but for us to have seen all this and see him dead was so damn traumatic!. Has anything like this ever happened to anyone else out there!?! How much pain was he in!?! Why didn't he call 911 or someone!?!?!? Everything is still surreal and none of us can even fathom that he is gone, but images keep going through our heads and all we can think about is why, why didn't he say something, how could we not see this!.!.!.!.We didn't know he had liver problems in the past, but we knew he used to binge in the past!.!.!.!. I still can't bellieve this!.!.!.!.

Sorry for the long details, I just have been looking for any hints online from previous situations similar to this!. I want to know if he was conscious or if anyone has been through this and knows how to cope!.!.!.!. Thank youWww@Answer-Health@Com

taylor!.!. very moving, i've actually heard of a similar situation,
they're are a few types of liver failure and yes all unfortunately can be very painful,

why most likely he did not try to get help or express anything is because!.!.!. you see, the liver is a filter, major important organ, big time!.!.!. filters what you eat!.!.!. and drink,

a major liver function : DETOXIFICATION,

that should tell you a lot right there, if the liver gets weak and weaker, heavy amounts of toxins can enter the system and are not filtered at all,

these toxins get in your brain and ruin powers of comprehension, mood, concentration and can eventually lead into a coma!.!.!. to where even in a coma, you can still throwup!.!.!. and also excessive amount of water can enter the brain causing death,

liver also has a strong role in synthesis which if weekend can cause blood issues, coagulation and so forth!.!.!.

CAUSES: combination of one of : acetaminophen overdose, heavily alcohol intake, sometimes asprin (no pepto, or Ibp!.)has had ties to liver failure

basically the blood gets messed up in what is does normally, and the brain too, these can lead to death

>> most likely!.!.!. >>> not conscious <<<, in my opinion, in knowing the above

i pray for you, your bfriend, and your lost friend!. the pain is gone for him, knowing the facts should give you too a bit of closure,Www@Answer-Health@Com

to be honest i didnt take the time to read the long part but i just wanted to say sorry man!.
that sucks
hope everything gets better!.
and i know how that surreal part feals i hate it!.
sorry again please get better


Hey!.!.!.I haven't been through something like this but I did watch my friend get stabbed to death!.!.!.It was very tramatic to me but time just healed it!.!.!.I mean I cried and cried!.!.!.never thought the pain would end but then happy things happen to us, and we just heal!. I will be honest and say he was probably in some pain before he passed out!.!.!.the death was probably not concious though!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I know that it is hard when someone close to you dies for no particular reason!. There are hundreds of reasons that would put a liver into failure!. It is just unfortunate that he had to go when he was fairly young!.

Some people don't want to live through the pain and anguish, and that is why he didn't call 911, because he I guess was too embarrassed to call them and tell them that he needed help!. Defecation, and blood and other items like that are usually very common in someone that has had neurological problems as well, and not just liver failure!.

I would look at getting into a support group for post traumatic stress syndrome, as this can be hard, and I just want you to know that you're not the only person there that is going through the same problem!.

Email me if you have any questions!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your heart is heavy
in time it will pass
your friend is now free
in the lords arms alas

To be alive in Heaven
On earth we must die
when the soul goes up
then the body must lie

Peace be to you now
have comfort and pray
you will see your friend
Be ready for the day

loveoneanother :)

I will pray for your comfort and understanding of the loss of your friend!. I am sorry I cannot help you with the medical reasons, but I hope this helps!. I know it is difficult to loose someone you love in a tragic way!. It seems to never make sense!. I have learned now that though I love life, it is us left on this earth stuck in the chaos and mayhem of mankind that need be mourned!. Your friend is in a much better place than we could imagine for us to be!. May God comfort you, embrace you with his love and have mercy on all mankind!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am so sorry to hear that!. I know it is really hard for you right now!. You just have to let yourself grieve for a while!. I have been through something similar, but the liver failure was a result of being drugs given during surgery!.

I don't know how much pain he was in, but if it had been severe, he probably would have called 911!.

Take care!. My thought and prayers are with you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

There are many causes of a liver problem:
alcohol consumption, medication toxification,
chemical exposure, viral infections like Hep
A,B,C; biliary problems, hereditary problems,
auto immune diseases, fatty liver disease,
and others!.

People who have a liver problem, don't always
know they have it!. The liver is a very silent
organ about showing any signs or symptoms
until the cells of the liver become damaged
by it and the functions, that they do to keep
the body healthy, deteriorate!. The first
signs is unusual tiredness or the yellowing
of the skin and whites of the eyes, and in
some cases: flu like symtoms!.

However, what happens, and this might
explain the cause of all the blood you saw!.
When the liver becomes so damaged and
scarred, the blood can no longer go through
the liver well anymore!. This blood then backs
up into vessels that are not used to handling
this amount of blood!. These vessels lead
to the esophagus, rectum or belly button area!.
These vessels may also have weak spots and
tend to balloon outward in these weak areas!.
They can burst open and cause alot of
bleeding very fast!. This is considered a
medical emergency!.!.!.this bleeding has to
be stopped or they can bleed internally or
bleed out completely!. Since these vessels
are most often located in the esophagus!.!.!.
then the patient will start throwing up this
blood fast!. The doctors will try to go in and
band these "varies" to stop the bleeding!.!.!.
but, apparently, your friend did not have
anyone to do this for him and probably did
not know what was taking place!. Losing
blood can cause the blood pressure to drop
fast, the pulse would drop down, and he
could become dizzy and pass out quickly!.

This link will explain it again to you and
may give you more information!.


Alcohol taken with ibuprofen or acetaminophen
can cause immediate damage to the liver

I hope this helps you understand better what
may have happened!. There was nothing
you could of done to prevent this!.!.!.!.but it
may help you to know what did occur, so
you can warn others about what to look for
and prevent them going through the same thing!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am very sorry for your lose!. I cannot imagine the pain you are going through but it seems that what was happening to your friend was more then a stomach flu!. He could have had an e coli infection or some other type of infection that needed medical attention!. Sometime taking medications can exhilarated the process when it's an infection instead of helping it, only the medical professionals can really say!. The ibuprofen may have exhilarated the problem because it does effect the liver and could have made things worse!. I know it is hard but perhaps you can talk to the family and find out what really what happened!. Or maybe a friend of the family so you don't have to ask them directly!. Again, I am sorry for your lose!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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