Is it possible to have coldsores..?!


Is it possible to have coldsores..?

If you've never gotten a coldsore before? When you get infected do you instantly get one? I've never had a cold sore. Can they lie dormant for a long time? I'm thinking back to all the times I've shared a drinking bottle with someone and I'm scared.


85-90% of all Americans develop oral herpes by the time they are 50 years old. Most catch it in their youth. The majority of them never have any symptoms. So yes, it is very possible that you have it and do not know it. In fact it is the norm to have it and not realize it. Most people inaccurately assume that lack of symptoms means lack of virus.

How your body reacts to the virus varies. Some people will get them frequently and severely. Some get them when stressed or sick, and others never get them at all. Each can have the exact same virus. Their bodies just deal with them differently. It is also possible to have it for many years before you have your first cold sore. Herpes is just one of those things. There is no one size fits all descriptions of it.

If you are worried about it, go and get a blood test to check for antibodies. But in reality most of the people you know already have it.

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