Could bladder infection/cystitis be treated without antibiotics?!


Could bladder infection/cystitis be treated without antibiotics?

Can bladder infection/cystitus could be treated without antibiotics? I am taking UTI Relief for 2 days and drink lots of cranberry juice.


Yes. Go to either a health food store or a pharmacy that carries homeopathy. Apis and Cantharis are the two most popular remedies for UTI's/bladder infections and cystitis. My preferred textbook is Maesimund Panos and Jane Heimlich's Homeopathic Medicine at Home (I think I've got the title right here...) but anything by Dana Ullman or others will be helpful as well. We're lucky where I live in that one of the local pharmacists is quite adept w/ diagnosis and prescribing/recommending remedies and herbs, so anytime I'm unsure I can go to him. Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-toxic, deep acting and in my experience highly effective if you use it correctly. If you've chosen the wrong remedy, it simply will not work w/ no toxic side effects. You cannot drink coffee while using the remedies as they are highly delicate. They are essentially energy medicine and work on the etheric and energy bodies. They can be quite life changing and can act incredibly deeply, especially constitutional remedies. That last dose just before bed is the one I find helps me most. It appears to work best while I am sleeping and I most often wake up to find my symptoms have changed or completely abated, which is how you know it's worked.

If you're drinking cranberry juice, pls. make sure it's not a juice cocktail such as Ocean Spray as the HFCS and other sugars in this beverage feed the very bacteria causing the condition in the first place.

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