Labs - complement level - results meaning?!


Labs - complement level - results meaning?

What does this mean for a child?
HEMOLYSIS INDEX - 2, ICTERIC INDEX - 0, LIPEMIA INDEX - 8, %LYMPHS 52.1 - High, LYMPH# 3, CD45 & CD14 - 0.6, CD3/T3 & CD8/T8 - 30.1, CD3 - 73.9, CD8/T8 SUPPRESS -32.5, CD3 & CD4 - 33.7, CD4/T4 HELPER - 34.3, CD3- & CD19 - 14.9, CD3- & CD56 - 8.2, CD56/NKH-1 LGL - 9.9, ABS CD3/CD8 - 903.0 High, T SUM - 50.4, LYMPH SUM -99.3, CD4/(CD8 & CD3) - 1.12, LYM ATYP/100 WBC - 1 High, MICROCYTES 2+, SCHISTOCYTES 1+, OVALCYTES 1+

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2 weeks ago
I live on a military base not in the US, doctors here don't know anything, We don't have a specialist or a pediatric doctor.

The dr, here could only tell me her ANA is elevated at 1:640 which really means nothing, and her swollen lymph nodes for the past 11yrs means nothing, its nothing to worry about, and they won't do any testing. So if you don't know the answer to my question don't answer it. Please don't say ask your doctor, waste your time on someone else's question.

Thank you.............


I am a nurse but I will admit, I don't work with kids. I am not too familiar with what their normal levels are supposed to be. I can tell you from looking at what they tested her for that they are looking for an infection.

Lymphs and t-cell counts (cd) are all parts of white blood cells, they are elevated when there is an infection present. The body, when it detects an infection, produces more white blood cells to fight off the infection.

Other than what I have told you above, I really don't know anything else. I hope she's better.

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