Adenoids being removed?!


Adenoids being removed?

I'm 16 and the last few years I've always gotten ear infections I go swimming so cold this be caused by the adenoids? and also I think ive had hearing loss, so can I still have my adenoids removed to improve my hearing.

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2 weeks ago
When I was younger I would also always get severe respiratory diseases, but not much anymore.


The reason for the ear infections is because the adenoids are most likely blocking the Eustachian tubes. I had mine removed in 2000, and had tubes put in my ears to assist the draining. You probably don't have hearing loss but extra fluid buildup. I used to think I had hearing loss because I also felt like my ear were stuffed. When you tubes drain properly it will sound like a whole new world. Everything will be loud and you will actually be able to truly hear your own voice. When the swelling went down I was shocked at how loud everything sounded and how my own voice sounded.

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