Is varicocele reversible after grade III?!


Is varicocele reversible after grade III?


Varicocele (a collection of large veins, usually in the left scrotum, that feels like a bag of worms) is present in the upright position and should empty in the supine position (lying on the back with face upwards, palm upwards). Incompetent venous valves result in dilation and venous stasis (stagnation, cessation of motion).
A varicocele is usually harmless and often requires no treatment. Treatment may be recommended in children if there is a marked decrease in testis size on the affected side.
Surgery may be indicated if it is symptomatic (eg, pain, a feeling of fullness) or associated with infertility. If surgery is required because of infertility or testicular atrophy, the outlook is usually excellent.
Please see the web pages for more details on Varicocele.

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