


I've have been feeling constipated but don't have a fever or vomiting... but feeling bloated and now kidneys are burning... i did feel a pop....

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2 weeks ago
I was just feeling bloating and i tried feeling if I did have appendicitis... i didn't feel any excruiating pain... just burning in my kidneys.


Beleive me, if your appendix popped you would be in excruciating pain/dead. Once it pops, it hurts, and can cause major damage. You may have a bladder, or kidney infection. Cranberry Juice, or Cranberry pills can help clear this up. Although, i would say it would be best to see a doctor ASAP. If you begin getting bad pain, vomiting, or a fever, i would say get to the emergency room. If you are feeling constipated try milk of magnesia, or prune juice. You also may want to try normal milk (always goes right through me) or mineral oil. If you are VERY constipated, then Magnesium Citrate is an option, that will clear you RIGHT out

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