Can somebody tell me a cure for retino blastoma. Cause cure and if hereditary, h!


Can somebody tell me a cure for retino blastoma. Cause cure and if hereditary, how to cure it. Please help?

Brief abt retinoblastoma or eye cancer. How does it occur. which parent or is it hereditary. If yes then how to remove it complete. Is it a virus in the body. Can it be corrected in the sperm. Or whats the cure of it.


Retinoblastoma is caused by a defect on chromosome 13, resulting in spontaneous tumor formation in one or both eyes. 95% of patients are cured, and 90% of them retain at least some vision (partially because bilateral retinoblastoma is rare). Although the disease is hereditary, only 10% of RB patients have an older relative who also has the disease.

#1 treatment is enucleation, i.e., removal of the eye. The tumors can't be excised because of the extreme likelihood of metastasis, i.e., spreading the cancer through the whole body. When the disease is present in both eyes, the usual treatment is to enucleate the worse eye and try treating the less-affected eye with lasers, radiation and chemotherapy. It cannot be corrected in the sperm, because (unless one parent has retinoblastoma) there's no way to be certain which parent is the source of the defect. And science has not reached the level where we can cull the spermatazoa that carry genetic defects. The Brave New World is coming, but it's not here yet.

The defect can sometimes by identified through amniocentesis or chorionic villi biopsy, but not always: maddeningly, sometimes the only cells with the defective genes are in the retina, and endodermal cells do not normally appear in the amniotic fluid.

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