DOCTOR I need help. skin problem??!


DOCTOR I need help. skin problem??

I have eczema all over my harms and it seems like its getting worse and worse. I went to the doctor and he gave me
1. Vanicream
2. Triamcinolone Acetonide cream

What causes it. I dont itch cause I put ice on it or I just think of something else. I dont really used soap when I take a shower on my arms cuase it just dries it out. and now my husband is Telling me I have to take cold warm showers. How long does this skin problem, last. and what are thing I can do to make it heal and get better faster?

PLease I have had this for 2 months now and Im tired of looking like a red armed freak

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
what are ways I can make it stop iching. Im going CRAAZY


Well, my husband had this when he was a kid and they said it would probably go away when he got older, and gave him some steriods and it did go away--but then he started getting it again in college (about 10 years ago). It got so bad the back of his arms and legs were blistered from him scratching it (though he tried not to). We went to a several dermatologists and nothing they gave him helped much (the specific type of steroids he had been given before were no longer made). Then on national public radio someone on a health show was mentioning that eating salsa (or something else really spicy) every day made his excema go away. We tried it and it worked! After a week or so of eating salsa daily his excema was gone...occassionally he'd still have a flare up, but before the "salsa treatment" it was constant (I mean, sometimes it would be worse and sometimes better, but it never went away...but after the salsa he rarely ever had any trouble with it). We're not sure exactly why it works...but his excema was also worse when it was hot, and since eating hot foods and heat in general both affect your sweating, we figure it must have something to do with the sweat glands.

We still wondered why he would get the occassional flare up, until recently. He ate a big dish up scrambled eggs (he rarely ever eats eggs by themselves, though of course there's a lot of things that contain eggs which he eats)--and right afterwards got a really bad case of excema. He looked up egg allegies and found that people who were allergic to eggs would often get a flare-up of excema when they ate them . Also found that it usually, but not always goes away in childhood (his childhood doctor though had never mentioned anything about eggs--maybe they didn't know that could cause it then). We've watched what he eats since, and sure enough, if he eats anything with eggs in it, he'll get a flare up of excema.

I've heard other people say that other allergies were connected to excema (like wheat or peanuts)--so you might have to do some searching to find out what is causing yours (if it is an allergy). From all my research on this subject it seems like there are multiple things that can cause this and doctors don't really know exactly why it happens or or even what all of those things are. It can be very frustrating. Hope you find what's causing yours soon.

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