Please help! I've had a plantar wart on my foot for around 8 years and nothing g!


Please help! I've had a plantar wart on my foot for around 8 years and nothing gets rid of it...?

I have a very slow growing plantar wart on the heel of my foot. I've been to the doctor and they said they can cut it out, but that this can spread it and that it will often grow back. I've tried freezing it, I've used compound W... nothing gets rid of it. I don't know what to do. Has anybody used anything that's worked for them and gotten rid of a tough plantar wart? Help!


I had one for many years and the doctor cut it out. out of all the liquid nitrogen and medications cutting it out was teh most effective. I have not seen that wart since. Even if there is a chance it will grow back, I say get it cut off... it does not hurt much and you will get at the very least some temporary relief. And has your doc tried freezing it off with liquid nitrogen? its painful but it works too. good luck.

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