Small, round circles that pop up on my skin; very itchy?!

Question: Small, round circles that pop up on my skin; very itchy?
I get these small, round bumps on my skin; almost like perfect circles. They're not once in a while either. They pop up almost everyday. Whether I'm at school, at home, whatever. They start off really small and then they grow and multiply, getting itchier and itchier. The places I get them the most are on my wrists, knees, and ankles. I've gotten some on my elbows and once on my stomach, but those aren't as often. They aren't bug bites, I know that for sure. I don't think they're severe enough for me to go to the doctor, but they really itch and they're driving me crazy. They last about thirty minutes to an hour before they disappear and reappear a day later or so in another spot. Does anybody know what these are, and if there's anyway to get rid of them?
I wish I had a picture, and I have taken some, but haven't uploaded them yet.


Possibly hives... Switch to a free and clear laundry detergent and skip the fabric softener and see if this helps.

sounds like hives, I suffered with them when I was at school, they would pop up (white in colour where the skin was stretched with a red circle around the bump. The bumps were usually quite hard too) It happened randomly usually only 2 or 3 at a time though. They itch SO bad, if you get some antihistamine cream from the pharmacy like Piriton it really helps relieve the itching and reduces the bumps. Its an allergy thing so maybe washing powder or moisterisers, soaps etc are causing it.

i almost have the same thing as you! but mine appear on the arms, thigh, neck and cheeks. i use olive oil on them and it works but then it comes back :(. dont worry, i know how it feels and i got camp on monday so im hoping that it will go away asap. ive asked a question on yahoo answers but so far its not turning out to work :/.

Sounds possibly like it could be ringworm, if you have pets that sleep up against you, it can be transmitted that way.

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