Do you know what is the best thing when you have extremely low blood pressure?!


Do you know what is the best thing when you have extremely low blood pressure?

I have a job with lots of stress and now I have a big weight is droping fast, even though I eat and my blood pressure is low sometimes 65/35 ...Now I'm trying to take things slow , have rest but I would like to know if anyone has experienced a similar problem?

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3 weeks ago
I've visited a doctor and their advice at first was to take more salty things but b/p is still the same. Now I've requested more tests ...


Hypotension in a healthy person that does not cause signs or symptoms usually does not need to be treated.
Any person with blood pressure low enough to cause symptoms should immediately sit or lie down, with the feet up above the level of the heart.

The goals of treatment are to relieve or improve signs and symptoms and to manage any underlying medical condition causing the hypotension.

Treatment can include:

Making lifestyle changes, such as:
Drinking plenty of fluids, like water
Drinking little or no alcohol
Standing up slowly
Gradually sitting up for longer periods of time if you’ve had to stay in bed for a long time
Using compression stockings that apply pressure to the lower body. These garments drive blood from the legs to the heart and brain and help blood circulate through the body.
Stopping a medicine or changing the dose if the medicine is causing the hypotension.
Taking medicine to raise blood pressure, reduce signs and symptoms, and treat related conditions. Medicines include ephedrine, phenylephrine, fludrocortisone, beta blockers, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines.

Check this site. I think it's pretty good alternative, and easy to do.
they explain food you can eat, exercise you can do, etc.

Btw, stress and sleepless night affect blood pressure too. If you think your job damage your health, maybe you should find another job.


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