Living with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)?!

Question: Living with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)?
I am 17 and currently a freshman in college (studying culinary). I was recently diagnosed with ADD and i am trying to deal with it. I took ritalin and adderall for 3 weeks and couldnt notice any difference. Due to ADD i have trouble sleeping (i think to f***ing much about life and stupid stuff and i cant stop thinking), I lose track of time WAYYY too often (making me forget to do things, sleep late, get distracted), i cant handle stress at all (if i have more than one thing to do that i dont want to do i feel like dying), i have a TERRIBLE memory, when i doing something im not used to i tend to make tons of mistakes, i have to be showed something more than 10 times to know how to do it, i have tons of thoughts in my mind so if im walking and think of 2 places to go i easily change my mind and do abrupt movements that look kind of "retarded" (no offence to retarded people), i have trouble socializing with new people (i think about how they think of me too much), i dont have much confidence because my mind spaces out a lot and i OVERTHINK things even when i dont care about them, at the end of my day i keep on critisizing every single thing i do (which gets really irritating and makes me depressed if i find something i think i did wrong), i hate reading cuz im bored to and cant develop interest looking at words ( and when i want to read i cant sit through it cuz i just cant focus on it and i daydream when i read so i dont even remeber what i read at the end of the book), I get songs in my head and love to write lyrics and music, I get too nervous around people (especially when im performing something), i want to do stuff but when it comes to the time i have to do them then my mind decides not to, it seems like i dont have control over my mind sometimes, sometimes i just COMPLETELY space out and dont know what im doing, i cant follow orders or instructions, i cant comprehend math, i cant memorize anything (and if i do memorize something i forget it within the same day or week), i cant focus on things i have no interest in no matter how much i try, i occasionally get depressed, i forget things that are important and i remember things that i dont want to remember, at moments i cant sit still, i hate taking notes, since i cant sleep im always tired... Now im trying to drink coffee to stay awake in class but it doesnt do anything and im starting to shake a lot, so i dont know what to do. I gave up taking medications because they made me not want to eat and they didnt help. Does anyone else feel like me? Any suggestions?


Wow you sound like me!! Like the perfect description of my ADHD life!

I am on Adderall. They have other pills that you need to try to find the one that will work for you. Most likely you have the dopamine deficiency that causes ADHD, which Adderall and the other amphetamine medications treat. Adderall works for some, Ritalin for others, Vyvanse is the new one out and I've heard from many that it's better than Ritalin. It took me 60 mg of Adderall to have an effect. I had an MRI study done and I had zero brain activity in the area that ADHD exists in so even the highest pill dosage didn't bring me up to normal. That might be what happened to you with your Adderall.

Talk to a psychiatrist if you can. They can look at your case individually and better assess what would work best for you based on your medical history, biology, etc.

See a psychologist.

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