Can you still be pregnant with crones disease?!


Can you still be pregnant with crones disease?

If so what will happen and how will the person feel... how is it different from a nrmal pregnancy?


hi patrice, I've had crohns disease for 27 yrs. dxed at age 12. I was told by my GI that women who have CD will have a better chance of a successful pregnancy if they are in remission while they conceive. A 1/3 who aren't in remission will be in a flare throughout the pregnancy, and a 1/3 who stop their meds while being pregnant may/may not flare but it's best to stay on them since the benefits outweight the risks.

if you go to the Crohns & colitis foundation's website, you can find information on pregnancy, medications, diet, exercise, etc. Also, you can locate a local support chapter in your town where you can meet others like yourself & swap information on the best MDs & hospitals who treat pregnant women w/IBD. They also have an 800 # which you can call M-F 9 am - 5pm (EST) manned by trainned professionals who can answer your questions.
1-888.MY.GUT.PAIN (888-694-8872)

It is also best to avoid smoking and alcohol if you have Crohns and are trying to have a baby since it can affect one's fertility. I've met alot of females w/Crohns at my support group and they've had healthy pregnancies due to following their MD's orders. I wish you the very best.

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