Does the urge to smoke weed diminish as time goes on?!

Question: Does the urge to smoke weed diminish as time goes on?
I smoked for the first time a couple days ago, but the urge for me to do it again is pretty strong. I can only do it once every week or 2. I just want to know if the urge will start to go away as time goes on, or if it might go away the more I do it.

I fully expect to see the don't smoke comments, so anyone who wants to give me a real answer will be greatly appreciated.


The 'urge' to smoke is just you thinking you want to smoke cause it was fun. If there was a real reason to stop you would because weed isn't physically addictive.

You want to smoke so you will until you have an experience or decision you make that you will just stop. I've quit for months before for no reason and its been fine because there is no addiction. If you get used to your schedule of only smoking once every week or two that will become normal and you'll be fine with it.

Pretty much its up to you, there is no addictive chemical in weed that making you crave it so if you wanna keep smoking do it, if not, stop. Completely within your control.

I was 18 the first time I smoked. I had a boyfriend at the time who dealt and he smoked several times a day. I wasn′t super into it - it was something I would do occasionally at a party or something, maybe once a month.

Since then (I am 25 now) I have done it more and more, and now I smoke several times a week. I don′t feel bad about it though... as long as you aren′t wake-baking, as long as it doesnt keep you from doing things you want to do (work, school, general motivation), and as long as it isn′t interfering with your relationships (friends, sig other, family) then I wouldn′t worry.

It is a healthy way to relax if used in moderation. You just need to practice self-control.

my life.

no you really only want to do it when it's available. if you couldn't smoke (drug test, etc) then you wouldn't be able to care less about smoking. i quit on a whim for 3 months and i was fine.

Edit: i smoke nearly everyday and its because i have literally nothing better to do. i'm a landscaper so i have to wait for the snow to stop before i can start working again. i can smoke a tiny bit and be high as balls for hours. i don't need more and more to get high. people that compare marijuana to other drugs are ridiculous

You probably have an "urge" to smoke again because it was your first time smoking weed. But you shouldn't get a strong urge, but there could've been something else in the weed like it could've been laced, that's really all I can think of. Just ignore the urge and it'll go away. I smoke occasionally.

The urge you are talking about goes away completely. You just want to do it again because weed is still a mysterious thing to you. But after getting a few dozen times, that goes away and you just want to smoke to get high because it's great, not because its new.

No it gets more intense to the point where your smoking it everyday.It stops affecting you so strongly so you need more and more of it to get the same affect.If you dont want that to happen then stop now before its too late.Its your choice.


You're not addicted in any way. You just want to get high because you really like the feeling. The feeling will probably not go away but you can deal with it.

Once you hit puberty you'll be bored of it and want to move on to something a bit more wholesome.
I'd suggest some datura or maybe even a high grade phencyclidine.. Good luck!

Drugs are pathetic.

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