Is this flu, 5 days straight?!

Question: Is this flu, 5 days straight?
Days :
1)I started coughing ( dry cough ), temperature 37.3C, Was feeling fairly well all day went to bed.

2)I woke up feeling extremely tired, checked the temperature was 38.2C . Was coughing all day quite painfully, started drinking some medicine.

2 Night ) I was coughing ALL night without exception, every few minute, was feeling hard pain, at 3ish AM a neighbor came because she heard my coughing ( I'm living in a flat ) and gave me morphine and my pain went away so I fell asleep at 7 AM.

3) When I woke up I felt great! Checked the temperature and it was only 37.1C, I thought it was all over so I went and slept some more since I didn't have enough. Few hours later I woke up feeling very cold and head spinning, bones hurting and barely having any strength. Checked the temp once again... 39.4C, I got scared for a moment, but drank all the medicine I had and called my family doctor, she told me to go straight to the hospital, however I didn't for personal reasons. At the evening the temp dropped to 38.5C so I went to sleep. Didn't cough all night slept good.

4) Temp 38.2C was feeling fairly well ( maybe I got used to it ? ), cleaned up the flat and lied down on my bed and watched some MTV. Again i felt cold ( all windows were closed and the heater was at 40+C ), temp went up to 39.2C this time, I drank all the meds again and went to bed to so I could warm up, fell asleep at 9ish PM and woke up at 7 AM.

5) so today I woke up checked the temp and it was 36.8C finally I thought, instantly made some food and ate and went to have a smoke, was all good until now, at 4PM I felt cold again and checked it was 38.5C, tired, bones hurting and all the old symptoms, however I wasn't coughing at all.

So does anyone know what could this be? I can't go to the doctor for personal reason so I'm trying my best with home things.

Was "gurgling" water with soda and salt, was breathing steam, drank meds.

Thanks In advance.


It sounds like you have the flu which can last up to ten days. Fluids and rest are the most important while battling the flu as well as symptomatic treatment of your symptoms with over the counter medications.
I am sorry that your cough was disruptive to your neighbor and it is quite nice that she was willing to come by to check on you. However, unless she is a doctor, dispensing Morphine was a bit of overkill for flu symptoms... though I am certain you were grateful for the relief ;-]
Don't worry about not being able to go to the doctor, whatever your reason may be. Decaf tea with honey, broth-based soups and other fluids are best for you right now. If you feel up to eating something heavier, go for it, but keep yourself well hydrated. Acetaminophen, paracetamol or Ibuprofen should suffice for pain or fever. If you are bringing anything up when you cough, you do not want to suppress the cough, so you can take something like Robitussin or Mucinex but if the cough is dry a cough syrup containing dextromethorphan or Mucinex-DM will be helpful.
Gargling with salt water will soothe a sore throat. (1/2-1tsp salt in 8oz warm water)
Feel better soon!

Registered Nurse

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